I used them to finalise my divorce and my court order for my daughter, I was not in a good way with my mental health at the time due to my ex wife. This did not matter to the person who handled my case, she was having more conversations and information swapping with my ex wife than myself. I spoke to my family about this and they told me to ring and confront my solicitor, ( I am not a bully and rarely lose my temper), the solcitor told me I was being aggressive to her, this was true but only because my ex wife knew more about the going on with my case then I did myself.My case was handled very poorly, with very little information actually passed on to me and now the ex wife thinks that she can break the court order when ever is convenient. Be very careful to if you decide to use this company.
Side note. This is not fresh after my divorce and court hearing, this happened years ago so there is not any hate here is just want people in my situation to be aware,I have been using the time to heal myself and gain a steady head.