From start to finish Forbes have been amazing. I have never dealt with a probate before and I was very nervous and extremely emotional when this process started and first talked to Rebecca B about it all. She has been outstanding and so supportive throughout it all and I can't thank her enough for just being there whenever I needed her. Thank you so much Rebecca. Equally Melanie has been superb with the whole process and always got back to me with all the questions I had, of which there were many. I was always reassured by her and wish her well-thank you so much Melanie. Last but certainly not least Hayley what a superstar, always available, always got back to me and answered all my many questions even if I repeated myself. Thank you! I look forward to the final leg with Rebecca S. I will go into the new year feeling a lot better than I have for the past couple of years, it has been a journey and you have all made it so much more bearable. Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas and new year beautiful ladies xxxxx