Matter Type:
Actions against the police
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Action against police? Need 1st class Rep? Read on:
I was in prison (with all its disadvantages) trying to make a complaint about the police - something which is hard at the best of times. Lisa Verro took over this matter for me and tenaciously represented me every step of the way, including from the very beginning when I couldn't get access to any of my ID for purposes of a Legal Aid application: she pestered a reluctant prison governor endlessly until he provided acceptable identification for me.
Naturally the initial police complaint was defended and justified by the police themselves, but Lisa got right back at them and eventually took my matter to the I.O.P.C. to appeal the outcome of the police's "justifications" with such a strongly worded and skillful application that the I.O.P.C. upheld the appeal.
Thus began the process for a compensation claim which, again thanks to Lisa's dogged determination and negotiation skills, ended with a respectable monetary figure being awarded me.
Throughout the whole process, Lisa kept me regularly updated, and if I needed to telephone her for any reason she would always write to me shortly after (if she wasn't immediately available to take my call) and reply to my query that I'd left on her voice mail.
I would use her again in a heartbeat if ever I was unfortunate enough to have any further problems with the police or any other detaining authority, and I'd strongly urge and recommend anyone with similar problems to do the same.
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