Collected on:
I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole.
As part of a group litigation under the Landlord & Tenant act, this firm managed to lose a case that in my view, should have been impossible to lose causing me to lose hundreds of thousands of pounds. The landowners were refusing to renew a number of business leases on the grounds of demolition. The local council had removed the landowners permitted development rights (on my suggestion) as they wanted to retain the existing use of the land. Despite the QC the firm employed stating that there was an 80% plus chance of success and stating the other parties barrister was “full of p... and wind” he admitted that he simply forgot to argue one of the key points of the trial. The solicitor from Wright Hassall who sat behind with an assistant for a full week doing absolutely nothing, charging a ridiculous amount per hour, was also seemingly oblivious to this and in my opinion did not fully understand the law. I even gave them key points during the trial that the other sides evidence was contradictory. When I complained about this after the trial they immediately dropped me as a client and I was forced to pay the full bill otherwise they would not release my file. However, another of the same group of litigants who also complained and refused to pay the bill, was subsequently let of a huge portion of his bill. The firm have refused to refund me the same proportion. In many years of business, I have yet to hear one person have a good thing to say about this firm. Their name says it all and could only be more appropriate if they were called Wright, Hassell and Lose. At the time of writing they have 83% 1 star reviews on Trustpilot. Says a lot. Make up your own mind, but I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole!
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