I’ve used wheelers a couple of times now for various bits, mainly conveyancing and they’ve always been good.
However, my experience this time was exceptional. Debbie Brown, is without a shadow of doubt the best conveyancing solicitor I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with.
Not only did she know her job inside out, she was able to cope with everything that got thrown at her ranging from difficult sellers, to first time buyers who had no clue what they were doing, to estate agents being awkward and almost anything else you can think of that takes place in a chain.
Debbie, went above and beyond time and again to help us with our move and her efforts definitely helped us make the stamp duty cut off date.
I am so grateful to her for everything she did that enabled me and my wife to get into our place in around 8-10 weeks from point of sale on our old place.
I highly recommend wheelers and in particular Debbie, she was worth every penny I paid and more.