Matter Type:
Tribunal Claims
Collected on:
Failed me Very Badly Twice -
Booked this solicitor on advice from another to cover two cases more or less covering the same issues and paperwork / documentary evidence
Explained that the opposing counsel had run rings around me and I wanted to apply for an appeal. The lawyer said there was no point in working on this until the judgement came through. Meanwhile he was happy to take on the other case
He was Wrong - he should have advised me to apply for the Hearing to be Reviewed because the Respondent had not as per agreement printed my bundle even though it had been submit 8 months before and then again with an index listing each document with a note about the content and relevance of each document 6 months before the hearing and then contested every single document I tried to submit for the hearing claiming they were not relevant when in fact documents which were not allowed including the index would have guided the Judge as to the relevance of my evidence and also contradicted strongly the Respondent's case
I was confident that once Jay Lawson and Ryan Russell had read the evidence they would see that I was not guilty
Well they certainly charged me for reading the evidence but clearly did not do so
In fact I suspect that these laywers are gifted in Speed Reading - in as much as they glance at a page and presume that they have taken in all the evidence
They certainly did not discuss the evidence with me
As feared the Judgement was not in my favour, and I needed to make appeal
I took the Judgement down to the lawyer along with all of the documents that had been used in that Tribunal, expecting him to figure it all out - he had the knowledge and skills
But the lawyer was on holiday
By the time he returned, two weeks had nearly passed - except for apparently he was not on holiday - so confusing
I was supposed to enter a request for the Judgement to be reviewed within two weeks of the Judgement being sent out - which I expected MMLLaw to do - I did not know how to do it did I?
Finally with I think a day to go he tells me that MMLLaw would not be taking the case
Ryan Russell Jay's boss confirmed this avidly - kind of "well the innocent get a raw deal sometimes - them is the stakes" is more or less how he put it
Shocked - do you know hard it is to find a lawyer competent in Scottish Employment Law who does not have a conflict of interest with Glasgow City Council - apparently these big corporates are allowed to lodge cases with lots of firms to ensure that no one can use them against GCC or some such - I really do not understand any of this but it exists
It was imperative that I had help to get the appeal in
I had no time to think or argue the case - I had to get as I understood it an Appeal for Permission to Appeal in to the ET - actually the EAT but I was not the one who claimed to have knowledge about legal affairs - I was only looking to clear my name of wrongful allegations made against me - you would think that was fairly easy but no
Naturally the lawyer who finally agreed to help wanted the first case as well - SSSC with regard to my licence since the allegations had questioned my ability to work as a Care Worker and therefore it more or less concerned the same witnesses, arguments, and evidence.
In the name of continuity it made sense - witness would say something at one hearing that could have relevance at the other - which is what I had tried to point out to MMLLaw from the outset
But MMLLaw were adamant that I should just give up and accept the Judgement
But I knew that I was innocent and could not accept that there was no room for justice
When I appointed that other lawyer, MMLLaw put in a bill for £6.6 k for work already done on the case
MMLLaw assured they had my best interests at heart - they did not want me to waste my money!!!! - when finally the media reports after they failed then after all that to turn up for my SSSC hearing because he had not read the material / had not realised that a vital witness had not turned up and therefore had not inerviewed her in her own space
So he asked for an extension and then just stepped down???!!! on the Thursday before a hearing set for Monday - leaving me unrepresented and unsupported
I was supposed to yet again enter a room with no friend / no support and listen again to these GCC witness lie again and again apparently without any means to confront them / force them to tell the truth even though I had plenty of evidence - but remember GCC had prevented that evidence from being present at the Preliminary Hearing at the ET
The SSC refused a further application for an extension and then printed a report based on lies and more lies - which the media picked up on - especially funnily enough Glasgow City Council Media outlet Glasgow Live
I lost my licence and dreadful things were written by the media which continue to be shared while I am unable to share my evidence because I am waiting for my Appeal to be heard, if I could get a lawyer without conflict of interest at all at all
I have sturggle to find work since the media uploaded their articles naming me as the Care Worker from Darkness, - well who would employ anyone with those dreadful things being said about them? - someone out there thinks I should die and MML Legal are being celebrated as being the best
I am innocent of these allegation of neglect and gross misconduct and believe that I still have the evidence to prove this and more but who will listen
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