This review is for a different branch.
DLG were meant to represent a very straightforward litigation to recover funds from a rogue trader. However, DLG managed to tick every box for solicitor negligences. DLG had a succession of paralegals handling the case, and never any actual trained solicitors, and the results or rather the complete lack there of, and the remarkable legal incompetence subsequently showed. They had the case for two years, and yet somehow DLG, and DLG alone consistently failed to progress the case form the standard initial legal phases, and consequently due to DLG our case failed completely to progress.
DLG consistently missed fundamental and blatant opportunities and overlooked key evidence, and their advice was invariably contradictory.
We have now had to report DLG legal services to the legal ombudsman and the Solicitors regulatory authority, and I can’t warn people enough to stay well away from DLG.