Collected on:
Do not trust your life in their hands!
Sharon Fleming ruined my life. Thompsons covered up for her. Here is my review but it's not the half of it:
Remorseless, immoral, non-human, corrupt to the , and (should be) criminals.
I was appointed Thompsons by Unite the Union as my solicitors for an injury at work compensation claim.
Sharon Fleming handled the case and was awful. She regularly ignored phone calls, argued about everything, deliberately misunderstood my case to cover her own failings, and was entirely uncompassionate.
I had suffered with a nerve related RSI caused by repetitive activity when working on a factory line. This was diagnosed as an irritated nerve in the cervical spine.
Sharon sent me to a doctor for an "expert report" who was not qualified to comment on a neck problem. Sharon told me in writing that she only sent me to that doctor because he "usually produces favourable reports".
Essentially he writes a quick, simple report so they can get people with minor injuries a small amount of compensation quickly. This is beneficial to the company as they don't receive a percentage of the claim working on behalf of the union.
Sharon argued with me for a year and a half about the doctors report, deliberately attempting to misunderstanding the injury when it was written in black and white that a nerve problem in the neck had been diagnosed by the NHS.
She lied to me and told me that the union would not pay for an alternative report so I would have to pay for my own. I organised for this and found a suitably qualified orthopaedic surgeon to write a report.
She then backtracked and told me that I couldn't get a different doctor to do a report and would have to sign the original report, submit it to the court and go to the original (unqualified doctor) for a second report.
The second report said that I had a problem with the nerve in my neck but to cover up his previous blunder the doctor said it had arisen since I last saw him. This was impossible because it was the first diagnosis I received.
Sharon tried to get me to sign the report but I refused and made an official complaint. The manager, Anna Konzon organised for the doctor to amend the report to admit he was unqualified and to recommend I see an orthopaedic surgeon.
I did so and was diagnosed correctly. However, because I had a negative EMG study, Sharon became convinced that I did not have nerve damage. Even though the orthopaedic surgeon said that the type of nerve injury I had
does not show up on EMG tests. It is there to rule out other conditions.
She also, for some reason thought there was a gap of one year in my GP records when there was only a two month gap. She was terrible.
I complained once again about her conduct and misunderstanding of the case as I did not want to continue with a solicitor that thought my injury was in my head.
The complaint went all the way up the line to upper management and everyone deliberately
misquoted the orthopaedic report and my own words.
A week later I got a letter saying they had terminated their representation and would no longer be acting as my solicitors.
The damage had already been done to my case and now I had to act on behalf of myself as I could not find another solicitor to take the case.
My injury had developed and deteriorated into a serious, debilitating condition and I had no legal experience.
I continued my case to the end but the report Sharon organised was used against me. I ended up with over £10,000 worth of legal debt, and homeless. I am now on PIP and limited capability for work and am to be honest sometimes depressed and suicidal.
I complained to the legal ombudsman and SRA but Sharon knew the loopholes. The legal system is ridiculous and predators like Thompsons know exactly how to escape all liability for their negligence.
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