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Edward Hands & Lewis Limited


Also known as :

  • R A Wilkinson & Co
  • Marsh Brown & Co
  • Pricketts
  • Ehl Commercial
  • Sheltons
  • Edward Hands & Lewis
  • H Pipes & Co
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Edward Hands & Lewis Limited

How Edward Hands & Lewis Limited Compares

Value for money


Limited data.

This firm - 54%
National Average
Poor Competitive Excellent

Excellent does not necessarily mean ‘cheap’. It means that clients thought that the level of service received was Excellent for what they paid.

This score has been calculated using up to the last 300 reviews left by clients of Edward Hands & Lewis Limited on ReviewSolicitors.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask reviewer questions about the value for money they felt they received by using Edward Hands & Lewis Limited. These questions include:

  • Value for money (a rating of 1-5)
  • How much were you initially quoted or how much did you expect to pay?
  • Approximately how much did you end up spending for the legal services provided (ignoring disbursements and court fees)
  • Did you think this was underpriced, overpriced or about right?
  • Overall experience

We use data science to amalgamate the answers to these questions and create a ‘ReviewSolicitors score’ out of 100. The above chart representation score is a simple percentage representation of the averaged score across those who have reviewed this law firm.

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Would recommend to
friends and family

This firm - 33%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Edward Hands & Lewis Limited and have had a satisfactory experience where they have indicated that they would recommend the services of the law firm to their friends and family.

You can use this data to see how Edward Hands & Lewis Limited performs against other law firms nationally. A score close to 100% indicates that this firm is highly valued by their clients.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Would you recommend this firm to somebody else?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 33%
No 67%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Satisfied with
outcome of matter

This firm - 33%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Edward Hands & Lewis Limited and were satisfied with the outcome of their matter. Being satisfied with the outcome of your matter is an important consideration to have in mind.

You can use this data to see how Edward Hands & Lewis Limited compares to the national average of clients being satisfied with the outcome of their matter after instructing a solicitor.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Were you satisfied with the outcome of your case?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 33%
No 67%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Rankings by area of expertise

The rankings below show the areas of expertise that Edward Hands & Lewis Limited offers to clients. You can see how good the service offered is in comparison to all other law firms nationally.

Data shown above is based on the reviews and client feedback collected by ReviewSolicitors over the last 12 months.

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Review Sources

Client Reviews


Reviews summary

  • Excellent

  • Very Good

  • Average

  • Poor

  • Awful


Overall experience

  • Value For Money
  • Communication
  • Initial Impressions
  • Approachability
  • Documentation Accuracy
  • Legal knowledge


June 07, 2024

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Collected on:

Hannah Fenton- EHL Syston Branch

After having worked alongside Hannah Fenton and Sarah a couple of years ago at EHL, there was nobody I wanted working on the purchase of our first home more than them! We completed today on the purchase of the house we have rented for nearly a decade! Hannah as always was super efficient, always reassuring and kept us in the loop at all stages. Knowing the process myself and having nothing but trust in Hannah and Sarah, I felt at ease knowing they would take care of our purchase without me needing to ask for updates and even with the parts less familiar Hannah explained everything. I would always recommend them knowing what an incredible team they are but even more so now being on the other side. Thank you Hannah.

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January 05, 2024

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Collected on:

Great service

This is regarding Edward Hands & Lewis - branch LE7 2EQ. The service was impressive and was the smoothest thing with our house purchase.

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


April 19, 2023

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Collected on:


Poor experience with them. Wish I had read the reviews before using them, as have had a similar experience to everyone who has commented. Constantly had to chase them and they had poor communication with the sellers solicitors. Really bad experience with them, I would not normally write a review but would not want anyone else to go through what I am currently going through.

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


September 06, 2022

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Collected on:

Poor overall experience

Terrible experience. Conveyancer was impossible to get hold of, they missed the exchange and completion dates and wouldn't withdraw my funds from the help to buy ISA. This caused a huge amount of stress and financial issues throughout the chain.

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Matter Type:

Disputed Probate


April 27, 2022

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Collected on:

Avoid like the plague! RUN like the Wind!

Very Good at taking money and zero explanation about the cost of legal fees!

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


September 16, 2021

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Collected on:

Liars dont use them

These guys are liars. I asked them to obtain a statement and they agreed and then delayed the sale. They use a portal to hide away from their customer service duties. I would not use them and I would urgent people not to use them. Ie Robinson and Jackson recommended hmm find an independent solicitor

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June 17, 2021

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Collected on:

EHL Conveyancing, Leicester

We appointed EHL Conveyancing to carry out our sale & purchase. We received Appalling service, extremely poor communication, unable to contact them by phone as the phone just rings out and eventually cuts off. Sent many emails with no reply, passed from one conveyancer to another although their promise is an allocated conveyancer, the current conveyancer allocated to our case is very frustrating to deal with. We wish we had read the numerous poor reviews earlier so please AVOID at all costs.

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B Moss

Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing

B Moss

June 13, 2021

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Collected on:

Great Conveyancing Solicitor - Brilliant Communications

Heather Price was our conveyancing solicitor back in Nov 2019 at the Bulwell Office, and was brilliant from start to finish. Constantly chasing down the other sides of the sale/purchase, keeping us up-to0date without us having to chase for updates, and even demonstrating some great skills/experience in how we could handle some awkward old covenants that applied to our purchase property.

Throughout, we had great direct comms with Heather, which made a refreshing change from other solicitors we'd used in the past.

If Heather is still with the firm, I would definitely recommend her.

A few months later, I recommended the firm to a work colleague who also used them, but through the Hucknall office, and they also said how great they were throughout.

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April 23, 2019

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Collected on:


I would not recommend these solicitors, as they do not complete the purchase of your property correctly, they charge you up front costs, then additional costs to rectify there own errors.

I received a very very poor service, the was offered a token gesture once they admitted there poor unprofessional quality of work.

Only use EHD if you want to pay twice for there mistakes.

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About this branch

Regulated by

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Legal services

Personal areas of law

  • Family Law
    • Adoption, Surrogacy, Care and Special Guardianship
    • Asset protection and tax mitigation
    • Child Arrangements Following Divorce
    • Child Law
    • Child Relocation After Divorce
    • Child contact
    • Children
    • Children Act proceedings
    • Civil Partnership Dissolution
    • Civil partnerships
    • Cohabitation agreements and disputes
    • Cohabitation and Unmarried Relationships
    • Collaborative Law
    • Divorce After A Brain Or Other Serious Injury
    • Domestic Abuse
    • Family Mediation
    • Family law
    • Financial Matters
    • Grandparents' Rights
    • Inheritance Act claims
    • Injunctions
    • Matrimonial finance
    • Out Of Court Divorce
    • Parental responsibility, paternity disputes, surrogacy
    • Pension and property advice
    • Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
    • Separation Agreement
    • Social Services
    • Unmarried Couples' Rights
  • Wills, Trusts & Probate
    • Probate
    • Trusts
    • Wills