Collected on:
not worth the money - don't deliver, over hyped
I called them, and a number of other solicitors and Tom was the person who offered the initial consultation. He was so enthusiastic about a possible defence and all the routes that could be explored and followed I fell for the hype and went for the fixed fee option. What they don't tell you about is all the hidden extras, the likelihood of actually getting not guilty, especially as the charge is factually correct. Only when you've committed do they start to tell you that in reality you need to plead guilty unless you want to rack up thousands chasing a pipe dream of extra fees getting reports, extra court appearances and them exploring these routes that were discussed etc. When I met the barrister he conceded that he has heard numerous complaints about them (and he is appointed by them) and there appears to be a common thread of misrepresentation, consistently poor advice at the offset being given, barristers not being given complete or inaccurate information. So much so had I not turned up in ample time this morning to meet with the barrister and go through everything it would have been a complete cluster. As it is MAJ did absolutely nothing for me, apart from empty my bank account. I really would stay away from these muppets. Unless you want a different person dealing with you every time you try to contact them, get different answer every time, and no real clarity then they may be for you. I am deeply disappointed and shocked - this is the type of thing I expect from people who know from the outset what the result is likely to be, bus say just enough to reel you in. Please stay away.
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