Collected on:
Talk about dragging out a case!
A simple open and shut case with liability already accepted takes 3+ years to sort out? According to the moj portal and upon speaking to other people and companies I have been informed that I made an extremely bad choice selecting acclaim legal services to deal with my claim.. as a result of my injury and speaking up about the lack of safety I lost my job which had a knock on effect of then the house and everything else. Why should I or anyone for that matter have to wait 3 years to receive there rightful compensation? Some of the staff have been more than helpful whilst the owner and a few of the other are absolute "morons" for want of a better word. It took over 18 months for my claim to even be uploaded into the portal which is just wrong. I had no help regarding losing the very well paid position I was in and as a direct result of losing my job I lost my house have mounting debt, struggling would be an understatement and to top it off I'll now be homeless for Christmas. So acclaim as you can tell I am both shocked and disgusted by your lack of will to sort anything in an acceptable timeframe. Also was told I was receiving an interim payment of a set amount only to be nearly 2 weeks to late for it to be beneficial and help my financial situation and keep my home, it was actually less than I had told on the phone on several occasions so would be no good anyway. Again I'm disgusted and baffled how you run a successful business and really hope I'm just an example of "one that wasn't dealt with correctly" if you have a case with these already then I feel for you if you do not have a case with them then please do NOT use acclaim and go with anyone else I cannot stress this enough.
Several companies have told me my case is worth 25-35k.. acclaim value my health and mistreatment at 2-5k but could be anything depending on the days factors... judges mood?? and decision for the day, solicitors will to chase the deserved compensation on the day... really???? Extremely unprofessional!
Yes I agree profit in a business is the ultimate goal but making it decently and building a good rapor with your customers is key.
And I'm sorry to say this key is well and truly broken.
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