Georga was bubbly and lovely to chat with when I could get in touch with her, which has been rarely. I contacted her directly by phone call, emails and via her office, many times unsuccessfully. She seems to not be on top of basic professional mean of communication. I had to guide her and advice her to check her spam folder for instance to find my emails. She also had an out of office message on her voicemail way passed the date stated which was confusing. I got discharged on my own before she started taking the time to look into my case. I managed to acquire basic, essential paperwork before her and had to send them to her. She clearly didn't have time to read my messages as her report don't take into consideration many major points. It sounds like she's taking on board more cases than she can handle, complaining having to work during weekends and that her work is "very much a fire-fighting exercise at the moment". The service was essentially free, without considering that it's most likely subsidised by tax-payer money