Used Winston Solicitors through the Will Aid scheme and it was really simple. The process and details were all explained clearly and in layman's terms so we could understand. Would recommend.
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Emily guides her clients through every stage of the process, from initial consultation to completion, when preparing wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. She also assists with applications for Deputyship Orders from the Court of Protection and secures Grants of Representation from the Probate Registry, supporting clients with estate administration. She emphasizes the importance of having Lasting Powers of Attorney alongside a will, ensuring both are in place for complete peace of mind. Outside of work, Emily enjoys playing netball, spending time with family and friends, and once took the ultimate leap—skydiving in New Zealand!
112 Street Lane, Leeds, LS8 2AL
She is an experienced Solicitor who is able to assist you
Wills, Trusts & Probate
Used Winston Solicitors through the Will Aid scheme and it was really simple. The process and details were all explained clearly and in layman's terms so we could understand. Would recommend.
Thank you
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Emily guides her clients through every stage of the process, from initial consultation to completion, when preparing wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. She also assists with applications for Deputyship Orders from the Court of Protection and secures Grants of Representation from the Probate Registry, supporting clients with estate administration. She emphasizes the importance of having Lasting Powers of Attorney alongside a will, ensuring both are in place for complete peace of mind. Outside of work, Emily enjoys playing netball, spending time with family and friends, and once took the ultimate leap—skydiving in New Zealand!
Languages Spoken: English
Winston Solicitors (UK) Limited