Have worked with Winston Solicitors for nearly a decade and can't fault them in any way. Their service and support has been invaluable.
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Jonathan recognises the immense courage it takes for clients to reach out, and he is dedicated to guiding them toward an outcome that allows them to move forward with their lives. With a compassionate approach, he takes the time to understand each client’s needs during difficult times, sensitively gathering personal information to build a strong case for the compensation they deserve. Aware of the complexities of the criminal injury compensation system, Jonathan works closely with his clients, ensuring they feel supported throughout the process. To balance the serious nature of his work, Jonathan finds relaxation on his bike, enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. He’s also a fan of live events and can often be found at Leeds Arena.
112 Street Lane, Leeds, LS8 2AL
Licensed for 31 years
IT & Intellectual Property, Employment, Regulations, Company & Commercial
Have worked with Winston Solicitors for nearly a decade and can't fault them in any way. Their service and support has been invaluable.
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I could not believe how quickly and efficiently both Jonathan and Paul were able to help me. Paul managed to resolve my issue within a few hours, and I was able to meet him face to face the same day. Lovely friendly team and also highly professional!
We appreciate you taking the time to place your review Melissa. Glad the team could help you.
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Id recommend Jonathan and his team for assistance with any legal matter, the knowledge and persoanl service is excellent, and you can park!
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Jonathan recognises the immense courage it takes for clients to reach out, and he is dedicated to guiding them toward an outcome that allows them to move forward with their lives. With a compassionate approach, he takes the time to understand each client’s needs during difficult times, sensitively gathering personal information to build a strong case for the compensation they deserve. Aware of the complexities of the criminal injury compensation system, Jonathan works closely with his clients, ensuring they feel supported throughout the process. To balance the serious nature of his work, Jonathan finds relaxation on his bike, enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. He’s also a fan of live events and can often be found at Leeds Arena.
Languages Spoken: English
United Kingdom
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Compliance Officer for Finance and Administration
Winston Solicitors
Winston Solicitors (UK) Limited