Clare McCourt has represented for over 20 years parents, children, carers and extended family members in all aspects of care proceedings and child law where social services are involved.
She has vast expertise across the whole range of public law child care matters, from the most complex to the least. This includes cases involving children’s deaths, serious injuries, serious sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect and emotional harm.
Her extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the processes and procedures, both in pre-proceedings and in court, enables her to clearly advise and guide clients through what can be an incredibly stressful, difficult and complex time.
She is able to arrange non-means tested legal aid for parents and children in care proceedings. Parents also qualify for legal aid in some pre-proceedings matters involving their children. Wider family members can be assessed for their entitlement to legal aid if they are involved in proceedings.
Clare McCourt has been since 1999 an accredited member of the Law Society Children Panel.