
Top 10 Welfare & Benefits Solicitors in Essex

Here you can see the best Welfare & Benefits solicitors in Essex. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Poole Alcock LLP

2770 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Very professional"

- 18/02/2025

"Put my mind at ease"

- 06/02/2025

Poole Alcock LLP have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Poole Alcock LLP 51.6051052 0.2972933 51005 Poole Alcock LLP

Poole Alcock LLP



Mullis & Peake LLP

798 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 30/01/2025

"Residential Property"

- 03/12/2024

Mullis & Peake LLP have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 9

Mullis & Peake LLP
Mullis & Peake LLP
Mullis & Peake LLP
Mullis & Peake LLP
Mullis & Peake LLP
+4 more
Mullis & Peake LLP 51.63082989999999 0.3285339 20791 Mullis & Peake LLP

Mullis & Peake LLP



Birkett Long LLP

597 reviews

Ranked #3 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Sale Flat 5 15 Bramah Road - Completion"

- 21/02/2025

"Very helpful"

- 20/02/2025

Birkett Long LLP have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 53

Birkett Long LLP
Birkett Long LLP
Birkett Long LLP
Birkett Long LLP
Birkett Long LLP
+48 more
Birkett Long LLP 51.8923308 0.8925693 1229 Birkett Long LLP

Birkett Long LLP



Attwells Solicitors LLP

970 reviews

Ranked #4 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Excellent service "

- 18/02/2025

"Painless journey"

- 14/02/2025

Attwells Solicitors LLP have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 16

Attwells Solicitors LLP
Attwells Solicitors LLP
Attwells Solicitors LLP
Attwells Solicitors LLP
Attwells Solicitors LLP
+11 more
Attwells Solicitors LLP 51.8909779 0.8966877000000001 29085 Attwells Solicitors LLP

Attwells Solicitors LLP



BTMK Solicitors

764 reviews

Ranked #5 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Sally Sargeant BTMK"

- 19/02/2025

"Child Matter"

- 16/02/2025

BTMK Solicitors have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 15

BTMK Solicitors
BTMK Solicitors
BTMK Solicitors
BTMK Solicitors
BTMK Solicitors
+10 more
BTMK Solicitors 51.536835 0.7122467 14737 BTMK Solicitors

BTMK Solicitors



Sternberg Reed

343 reviews

Ranked #6 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Exceptional service!"

- 27/11/2024

"Excellent service "

- 05/11/2024

Sternberg Reed have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 4

Sternberg Reed
Sternberg Reed 51.4783557 0.3211184 28865 Sternberg Reed

Sternberg Reed



Sparlings Solicitors

165 reviews

Ranked #7 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Settlement agreement "

- 30/01/2025

"Two words "we care""

- 21/01/2025

Sparlings Solicitors have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Sparlings Solicitors 51.8903049 0.8992405999999998 26405 Sparlings Solicitors

Sparlings Solicitors



Taylors Legal Limited

146 reviews

Ranked #8 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Taylors Legal Limited 51.6126769 0.0884224 13597 Taylors Legal Limited

Taylors Legal Limited



Levy & Co Solicitors LLP 51.79590229999999 0.6351773 20455

Levy & Co Solicitors LLP



Nicholls Law Group Limited

58 reviews

Ranked #10 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 18/02/2025


- 27/09/2024

Nicholls Law Group Limited have 3 Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 9

Nicholls Law Group Limited
Nicholls Law Group Limited
Nicholls Law Group Limited
+4 more
Nicholls Law Group Limited 51.582398 0.7059664999999999 28570 Nicholls Law Group Limited

Nicholls Law Group Limited



Whiskers LLP

78 reviews

Ranked #11 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Highly recommend "

- 25/08/2024

"Spot on service - faultless! "

- 09/08/2024

Whiskers LLP have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 7

Whiskers LLP
Whiskers LLP
Whiskers LLP
Whiskers LLP
Whiskers LLP
+2 more
Whiskers LLP 51.7707868 0.0912929 21416 Whiskers LLP

Whiskers LLP



Pinney Talfourd LLP

135 reviews

Ranked #12 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Pinney Talfourd LLP 51.5580383 0.2503118 22091 Pinney Talfourd LLP

Pinney Talfourd LLP



Barnes And Partners 51.7706342 0.09228589999999999 26442

Barnes And Partners



Taylor Haldane Barlex LLP 51.7341622 0.4790827 21238

Taylor Haldane Barlex LLP



Jefferies Essex LLP 51.5375351 0.7150284 22669

Jefferies Essex LLP



Harvey Copping & Harrison LLP 51.6130645 0.5198567 4631

Harvey Copping & Harrison LLP



John Fowlers LLP 51.8901978 0.8988412 5517

John Fowlers LLP



Noble Solicitors 51.9571397 0.4549777 36835

Noble Solicitors



Sanders Witherspoon LLP

13 reviews

Ranked #19 out of 31 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Essex

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Sale of Property"

- 09/09/2024


- 24/09/2022

Sanders Witherspoon LLP have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Sanders Witherspoon LLP 51.6311698 0.4153291000000001 8854 Sanders Witherspoon LLP

Sanders Witherspoon LLP



Attwaters Jameson Hill 51.64409999999999 0.0520547 26664

Attwaters Jameson Hill



Nockolds Solicitors Limited 51.87089959999999 0.1584576 17533

Nockolds Solicitors Limited



Stanley Tee LLP 51.8624228 0.1675796 21995

Stanley Tee LLP



Bates Solicitors Limited 51.5481384 0.6305963 17118

Bates Solicitors Limited



Craybeck Law LLP 51.5273769 -0.089289 28329

Craybeck Law LLP



Djk Solicitors 51.6875558 -0.0061228 18162

Djk Solicitors



Hunter Price Kahn Limited 53.8004362 -1.6637728 14697

Hunter Price Kahn Limited


M M Frame Limited 51.6272893 0.0366341 16164

M M Frame Limited



Samuel & Co Solicitors 51.4790103 0.3243922 23683

Samuel & Co Solicitors


Stapley & Co 51.6436937 0.0516316 14814

Stapley & Co


Talem Law Limited 51.6183894 0.0701406 28083

Talem Law Limited

