
Top 10 Welfare & Benefits Solicitors in Cornwall

Here you can see the best Welfare & Benefits solicitors in Cornwall. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Coodes Solicitors

432 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 15 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Cornwall

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Writing a new will."

- 18/02/2025

"Trauma injuries following fall at Treliske."

- 13/02/2025

Coodes Solicitors have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 29

Coodes Solicitors
Coodes Solicitors
Coodes Solicitors
Coodes Solicitors
Coodes Solicitors
+24 more
Coodes Solicitors 50.2639118 -5.0552319 15723 Coodes Solicitors

Coodes Solicitors



Hay & Kilner Llp

250 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 15 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in Cornwall

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Hay & Kilner Llp have Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Hay & Kilner Llp 50.33568349999999 -4.8686833 56052 Hay & Kilner Llp

Hay & Kilner Llp



Baileys Law Legal Services Ltd 50.4632492 -4.710774499999999 14243

Baileys Law Legal Services Ltd



Charles French & Co Limited 50.33807849999999 -4.7933785 17199

Charles French & Co Limited



Stephens Scown LLP 50.2614677 -5.045883799999999 19067

Stephens Scown LLP



Hine Downing LLP 50.1544248 -5.0742851 16461

Hine Downing LLP


Clinical Negligence Services Limited 50.261828 -5.0465524 27540

Clinical Negligence Services Limited



Conroys Solicitors LLP 50.2643736 -5.0499848 13923

Conroys Solicitors LLP


Cox Burley Solicitors 50.4562186 -4.4482892 21780

Cox Burley Solicitors


Emma Stacey Limited 50.1537707 -5.0704488 13291

Emma Stacey Limited


Howell Hylton Limited 50.2121605 -5.2987213 19944

Howell Hylton Limited


John Boyle Solicitors Limited 50.2646805 -5.0564459 15412

John Boyle Solicitors Limited


Paul Finn Solicitors Limited 50.8285996 -4.544264399999999 22014

Paul Finn Solicitors Limited



Peter Peter & Wright 50.8302545 -4.543857399999999 26154

Peter Peter & Wright


Walters & Barbary LLP 50.2124224 -5.300898399999999 13798

Walters & Barbary LLP

