
Top 10 Money & Tax Solicitors in Haringey

Here you can see the best Money & Tax solicitors in Haringey. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Barnes And Partners 51.5813499 -0.1213955 885

Barnes And Partners



Carter Jones Solicitors 51.5957502 -0.108731 13390

Carter Jones Solicitors



Fahri Jacob 51.5833118 -0.1236257 3530

Fahri Jacob



Dotcom Solicitors Limited 51.5893868 -0.06971429999999999 16831

Dotcom Solicitors Limited



Ersan & Co Solicitors Limited

2 reviews

Ranked #5 out of 12 Money & Tax solicitor firms in Haringey

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"An excellent firm, highly recommend "

- 04/12/2024

"Thank you🙏"

- 19/09/2024

Ersan & Co Solicitors Limited have 1 Money & Tax solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Ersan & Co Solicitors Limited 51.5827357 -0.0995648 21407 Ersan & Co Solicitors Limited

Ersan & Co Solicitors Limited



Ecom Solicitors 51.5860057 -0.0631741 14040

Ecom Solicitors



Vls Solicitors Limited 51.6056044 -0.0677846 13876

Vls Solicitors Limited



Ebr Attridge LLP 51.5918252 -0.0694297 21834

Ebr Attridge LLP



Streathers Highgate LLP 51.5706356 -0.1465706 29270

Streathers Highgate LLP



Bross Bennett LLP

1 review

Ranked #10 out of 12 Money & Tax solicitor firms in Haringey

Bross Bennett LLP 51.5709556 -0.1480439 1620 Bross Bennett LLP

Bross Bennett LLP


Dp Cameron Limited 51.58104119999999 -0.1223319 18205

Dp Cameron Limited


Moorehouse 51.5825819 -0.07150379999999999 20104


