
Top 10 IT & Intellectual Property Solicitors in Marylebone High Street

Here you can see the best IT & Intellectual Property solicitors in Marylebone High Street. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP

840 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 26/10/2024


- 04/09/2024

Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP have 1 IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 16

Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
+11 more
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP 51.5265983 -0.0816119 20541 Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP

Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP



Burlingtons Legal LLP

647 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 22/12/2024


- 21/12/2024

Burlingtons Legal LLP have 3 IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Burlingtons Legal LLP
Burlingtons Legal LLP 51.5149543 -0.1491013 18627 Burlingtons Legal LLP

Burlingtons Legal LLP



RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP

365 reviews

Ranked #3 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Outstanding service "

- 17/12/2024

"Advice on redundancy, exit negotiations and settlement. "

- 13/12/2024

RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP have IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 29

RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP
RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP
RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP
RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP
RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP
+24 more
RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP 51.5165185 -0.146168 23066 RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP

RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP



Lionshead Law Ltd

65 reviews

Ranked #4 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Professional and helpful! "

- 18/12/2024

"Excellent advice"

- 17/12/2024

Lionshead Law Ltd have 1 IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 7

Lionshead Law Ltd
Lionshead Law Ltd
Lionshead Law Ltd
Lionshead Law Ltd
Lionshead Law Ltd
+2 more
Lionshead Law Ltd 51.5199674 -0.1624385 28144 Lionshead Law Ltd

Lionshead Law Ltd



Quastels LLP

74 reviews

Ranked #5 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Quastels LLP 51.5175884 -0.1482348 23144 Quastels LLP

Quastels LLP



Lloyds Pr Solicitors 51.5199467 -0.1569462 44419

Lloyds Pr Solicitors



The Daswani Law Company Limited

39 reviews

Ranked #7 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 12/09/2024


- 25/07/2024

The Daswani Law Company Limited have 1 IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

The Daswani Law Company Limited
The Daswani Law Company Limited 51.5199467 -0.1569462 29897 The Daswani Law Company Limited

The Daswani Law Company Limited



Streathers Solicitors LLP

15 reviews

Ranked #8 out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Streathers Solicitors LLP 51.5184316 -0.1555227 9625 Streathers Solicitors LLP

Streathers Solicitors LLP



Gordon And Thompson Ltd 51.515667 -0.1438736 36760

Gordon And Thompson Ltd


Camerons Solicitors LLP 51.5185699 -0.1477416 22957

Camerons Solicitors LLP



Radius Law Limited 51.5150298 -0.1490736 16441

Radius Law Limited



Technology Law Alliance Limited 51.5150298 -0.1490736 23922

Technology Law Alliance Limited



Charles James & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.515667 -0.1438736 13249

Charles James & Co Solicitors Ltd



Statham Gill Davies 51.516654 -0.1482871 23284

Statham Gill Davies


Bloomsbury Law Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 31 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in Marylebone High Street

Bloomsbury Law Solicitors 51.5194265 -0.1541709 23353 Bloomsbury Law Solicitors

Bloomsbury Law Solicitors


Canfields Law Limited 51.5430346 -0.1756266 13127

Canfields Law Limited


Ack Media Law LLP 51.5149965 -0.1515251 21111

Ack Media Law LLP


Angular Legal Limited 51.5161837 -0.1481188 31178

Angular Legal Limited


Ch. Hausmann & Co 51.5201724 -0.1433156 24358

Ch. Hausmann & Co


Clifford Harris & Co 51.51786329999999 -0.1491317 26803

Clifford Harris & Co


Cruickshank Limited 51.5172192 -0.1504838 18004

Cruickshank Limited


Freedman + Hilmi LLP 51.5155415 -0.1524398 17484

Freedman + Hilmi LLP


Joelson LLP 51.5196408 -0.1443895 20733

Joelson LLP


M Law LLP 51.5197023 -0.1568407 20038



Omnia Strategy LLP 51.5176879 -0.1551204 16820

Omnia Strategy LLP


Philip Ross & Co 51.5181021 -0.1477383 26483

Philip Ross & Co


Riverbrooke Solicitors Ltd 51.515667 -0.1438736 18280

Riverbrooke Solicitors Ltd



Russells 51.52093730000001 -0.1429044 26462



Steinfeld Law LLP 51.51722729999999 -0.152141 20800

Steinfeld Law LLP


Wallace LLP 51.5180354 -0.1446565 23540

Wallace LLP

