
Top 10 Human rights Solicitors in Walthamstow

Here you can see the best Human rights solicitors in Walthamstow. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Lee Valley Solicitors Ltd 51.5845062 -0.0223297 14690

Lee Valley Solicitors Ltd



Mclartys Limited 51.5865113 -0.0207125 18326

Mclartys Limited



Edwards Duthie Shamash 51.584442 -0.0195899 24260

Edwards Duthie Shamash



Solicitors' Inn Ltd

8 reviews

Ranked #4 out of 10 Human rights solicitor firms in Walthamstow

Solicitors' Inn Ltd 51.5727581 -0.0082787 37020 Solicitors' Inn Ltd

Solicitors' Inn Ltd


Aq Archers Solicitors Limited 51.5774139 -0.0171677 18321

Aq Archers Solicitors Limited



Bg Lawyers LLP 51.4998658 -0.0121068 18306

Bg Lawyers LLP


Ck Solicitors 51.563892 0.0096145 23821

Ck Solicitors


Haq Hamilton Solicitors Limited 51.5767801 -0.0115955 19126

Haq Hamilton Solicitors Limited


Ip Solicitors 51.5711538 -0.0085942 13584

Ip Solicitors


Norton Folgate Solicitors LLP 51.5835399 -0.0178254 21537

Norton Folgate Solicitors LLP

