
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Walthamstow

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Walthamstow. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Cavendish Legal Group

29197 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 29 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Walthamstow

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Jordan rogers"

- 23/02/2023

Cavendish Legal Group have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cavendish Legal Group 51.5864974 -0.0204244 31095 Cavendish Legal Group

Cavendish Legal Group



Fellowes Solicitors LLP

121 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 29 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Walthamstow

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 09/03/2025

"5* experience"

- 20/12/2024

Fellowes Solicitors LLP have 4 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Fellowes Solicitors LLP 51.5864974 -0.0204244 20942 Fellowes Solicitors LLP

Fellowes Solicitors LLP



Coldham Shield & Mace Solicitors LLP 51.6328209 0.0085126 18417

Coldham Shield & Mace Solicitors LLP



Christofi Wells & Co 51.5696405 0.0131581 19995

Christofi Wells & Co



Lee Valley Solicitors Ltd 51.5845062 -0.0223297 14690

Lee Valley Solicitors Ltd



Edwards Duthie Shamash 51.584442 -0.0195899 24260

Edwards Duthie Shamash



Mirza Law Limited

5 reviews

Ranked #7 out of 29 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Walthamstow

Mirza Law Limited 51.584442 -0.0195899 7014 Mirza Law Limited

Mirza Law Limited



Henscott Limited 51.5986705 -0.0159964 20552

Henscott Limited



Nandy & Co Limited 51.5485892 0.0251521 17682

Nandy & Co Limited



Arcadian Law Limited 51.5815306 0.0214202 15548

Arcadian Law Limited



Renaissance Solicitors LLP 51.5761452 -0.0144664 19573

Renaissance Solicitors LLP



Kennard Wells Solicitors 51.5696405 0.0131581 24404

Kennard Wells Solicitors



Flk Solicitors Limited 51.5601283 -0.009090299999999999 16318

Flk Solicitors Limited



Solicitors' Inn Ltd

8 reviews

Ranked #14 out of 29 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Walthamstow

Solicitors' Inn Ltd 51.5727581 -0.0082787 37020 Solicitors' Inn Ltd

Solicitors' Inn Ltd



Central Chambers Law Ltd 51.5746678 -0.0111249 37800

Central Chambers Law Ltd



Achillea & Co 51.6311623 0.0034831 24500

Achillea & Co


Aq Archers Solicitors Limited 51.5774139 -0.0171677 18321

Aq Archers Solicitors Limited



Bg Lawyers LLP 51.4998658 -0.0121068 18306

Bg Lawyers LLP



Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co 51.5825146 -0.0188798 27239

Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co


Gough & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.5604634 -0.0012994 16482

Gough & Co Solicitors Ltd


Hoxtons Solicitors 51.6328209 0.0085126 24333

Hoxtons Solicitors


Ip Solicitors 51.5711538 -0.0085942 13584

Ip Solicitors


Javed Nazir Solicitors 51.5869819 -0.02036 16578

Javed Nazir Solicitors


Kpl Solicitors Limited 51.6184592 0.0038192 13347

Kpl Solicitors Limited


Norton Folgate Solicitors LLP 51.5835399 -0.0178254 21537

Norton Folgate Solicitors LLP


Russell Wise Solicitors Limited 51.6233454 0.0126973 21837

Russell Wise Solicitors Limited



Stradbrooks Global Limited 51.5508166 0.0253087 16400

Stradbrooks Global Limited



Whitefields Solicitors 51.5774139 -0.0171677 21621

Whitefields Solicitors


Y Bacchus & Co Limited 51.6159903 -0.0170757 18635

Y Bacchus & Co Limited

