
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Taunton

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Taunton. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Lyons Bowe

3942 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Selling Property"

- 28/02/2025


- 25/02/2025

Lyons Bowe have 15 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 7

Lyons Bowe
Lyons Bowe
Lyons Bowe
+2 more
Lyons Bowe 51.1277676 -3.0056909 30685 Lyons Bowe

Lyons Bowe



AmicusLaw Solicitors

424 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Estate "

- 27/02/2025

"Wills "

- 27/02/2025

AmicusLaw Solicitors have 2 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 7

AmicusLaw Solicitors
AmicusLaw Solicitors
AmicusLaw Solicitors
AmicusLaw Solicitors
AmicusLaw Solicitors
+2 more
AmicusLaw Solicitors 51.0153572 -3.1021253 38969 AmicusLaw Solicitors

AmicusLaw Solicitors



Maitland Walker LLP

467 reviews

Ranked #3 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"House sales and buy"

- 28/02/2025

"House Sale"

- 27/02/2025

Maitland Walker LLP have 15 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 11

Maitland Walker LLP
Maitland Walker LLP
Maitland Walker LLP
Maitland Walker LLP
Maitland Walker LLP
+6 more
Maitland Walker LLP 51.0124498 -3.105278 19697 Maitland Walker LLP

Maitland Walker LLP



Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP

1345 reviews

Ranked #4 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Exceptional experience- highly recommend "

- 28/02/2025

"Personal injury claim against a well known supermarket "

- 19/02/2025

Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 19

Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP
Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP
Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP
Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP
Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP
+14 more
Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP 51.0260775 -3.1246384 13816 Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP

Slee Blackwell Solicitors LLP



Everys Solicitors Llp

321 reviews

Ranked #5 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Excellent and friendly conveyancing service"

- 19/01/2025


- 08/09/2024

Everys Solicitors Llp have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Everys Solicitors Llp 51.02253409999999 -3.0617369 32874 Everys Solicitors Llp

Everys Solicitors Llp



Risdons Solicitors

1510 reviews

Ranked #6 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 27/02/2025

"Buying a property"

- 22/02/2025

Risdons Solicitors have 11 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 12

Risdons Solicitors
Risdons Solicitors
Risdons Solicitors
Risdons Solicitors
Risdons Solicitors
+7 more
Risdons Solicitors 51.0124983 -3.1029984 25638 Risdons Solicitors

Risdons Solicitors



Pardoes Solicitors

295 reviews

Ranked #7 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 28/01/2025


- 28/01/2025

Pardoes Solicitors have 9 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 5

Pardoes Solicitors
Pardoes Solicitors
Pardoes Solicitors
Pardoes Solicitors
Pardoes Solicitors 51.02486769999999 -3.072564 14551 Pardoes Solicitors

Pardoes Solicitors



Alletsons Limited

738 reviews

Ranked #8 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Online portal means easy quick updates 24/7"

- 18/02/2025

"House Sale"

- 13/02/2025

Alletsons Limited have 15 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 17

Alletsons Limited
Alletsons Limited
Alletsons Limited
Alletsons Limited
+12 more
Alletsons Limited 51.129701 -3.002721 21460 Alletsons Limited

Alletsons Limited



Ash Clifford Limited

47 reviews

Ranked #9 out of 18 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Taunton

Value for money - EXCELLENT

" New wills"

- 20/02/2025

"House sell"

- 20/02/2025

Ash Clifford Limited have 2 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 4

Ash Clifford Limited
Ash Clifford Limited
Ash Clifford Limited
Ash Clifford Limited
Ash Clifford Limited 51.1304679 -3.004524 15344 Ash Clifford Limited

Ash Clifford Limited



Berensens Llp 51.0124498 -3.105278 35297

Berensens Llp



Porter Dodson LLP 51.0140906 -3.0680956 16985

Porter Dodson LLP



Stephens Scown Llp 51.0168291 -3.0665761 41732

Stephens Scown Llp



Clarke Willmott LLP 51.01716690000001 -3.0660279 20625

Clarke Willmott LLP



Bailhache Law Limited 51.0158845 -3.1015106 29965

Bailhache Law Limited


Clinical Negligence Services Limited 51.0140906 -3.0680956 27539

Clinical Negligence Services Limited


Foot Anstey LLP 51.0140906 -3.0680956 18691

Foot Anstey LLP


Rowles Davis Limited 51.0277462 -3.1071677 15833

Rowles Davis Limited


Taunton Solicitors 51.01646849999999 -3.1110619 21037

Taunton Solicitors

