
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Great Yarmouth

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Great Yarmouth. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


England & Co

175 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 9 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Great Yarmouth

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Turned our matter around in 48 hours"

- 23/11/2024

"Good service"

- 19/11/2024

England & Co have 2 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

England & Co 52.6051115 1.7255774 13317 England & Co

England & Co



Lucas & Wyllys

789 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 9 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Great Yarmouth

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Kerry Ann's experience..."

- 20/12/2024

"Boyd's experience..."

- 12/12/2024

Lucas & Wyllys have 4 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 5

Lucas & Wyllys
Lucas & Wyllys
Lucas & Wyllys
Lucas & Wyllys
Lucas & Wyllys
Lucas & Wyllys 52.60514879999999 1.7260454 26560 Lucas & Wyllys

Lucas & Wyllys



George Watson Solicitors Limited

19 reviews

Ranked #3 out of 9 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Great Yarmouth

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 13/12/2024

"Best Conveyancer/Solicitor!!!"

- 20/11/2024

George Watson Solicitors Limited have 1 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

George Watson Solicitors Limited
George Watson Solicitors Limited 52.6379013 1.6337628 38145 George Watson Solicitors Limited

George Watson Solicitors Limited



Norton Peskett 52.5703985 1.7279307 30964

Norton Peskett



Hkb Wiltshires 52.6068425 1.7243765 26133

Hkb Wiltshires



Chamberlins 52.606712 1.7298799 27232



Garwood & Tan Limited 52.6109824 1.7265196 29901

Garwood & Tan Limited


Howard Pollok & Webb 52.6066918 1.7265243 26291

Howard Pollok & Webb


Mears Hobbs LLP 52.4776111 1.7519817 31201

Mears Hobbs LLP

