
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in Oldham

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in Oldham. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Cartwright King Solicitors

1028 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 12 Employment solicitor firms in Oldham

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Cartwright King Solicitors have Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cartwright King Solicitors 53.5248983 -2.108353 48730 Cartwright King Solicitors

Cartwright King Solicitors



Watson Ramsbottom Limited 53.5646863 -2.0204029 47404

Watson Ramsbottom Limited



Cuttle & Co Solicitors 53.5411087 -2.1086227 27161

Cuttle & Co Solicitors



North Ainley 53.5408632 -2.1116702 26200

North Ainley



Pearson Solicitors And Financial Advisers LLP 53.5416292 -2.1095747 19978

Pearson Solicitors And Financial Advisers LLP



Bison Solicitors Limited 53.5248983 -2.108353 29422

Bison Solicitors Limited



0 reviews

Unranked # out of 12 Employment solicitor firms in Oldham

Garratts 53.5410911 -2.1176765 26848 Garratts



Johnson's Solicitors 53.5399957 -2.1165568 16912

Johnson's Solicitors


Lewis & Co 53.5416292 -2.1095747 24074

Lewis & Co


Morgan Carter Solicitors Limited 53.5422976 -2.105985 14372

Morgan Carter Solicitors Limited



O'Donnell Solicitors Limited 53.5371751 -2.0239989 14066

O'Donnell Solicitors Limited


Wrigley Claydon Solicitors 53.5400698 -2.1142785 10935

Wrigley Claydon Solicitors

