
Top 10 Crime/ Criminal Defence Solicitors in Lewisham

Here you can see the best Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors in Lewisham. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Reeds Solicitors LLP 51.4462154 -0.0195669 30398

Reeds Solicitors LLP



Gans & Co Solicitors LLP

23 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 23 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitor firms in Lewisham

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Wisdom atomre"

- 12/04/2023

"Appreciate "

- 16/11/2022

Gans & Co Solicitors LLP have 4 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Gans & Co Solicitors LLP 51.48653909999999 -0.0361503 21106 Gans & Co Solicitors LLP

Gans & Co Solicitors LLP



Universe Solicitors Limited 51.4731897 -0.016665 14348

Universe Solicitors Limited



Lartey & Co Ltd 51.4613968 -0.0108856 33013

Lartey & Co Ltd



Global Solicitors & Advocates 51.4751209 -0.0470665 13764

Global Solicitors & Advocates



Peter Bonner & Co

2 reviews

Ranked #6 out of 23 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitor firms in Lewisham

Value for money - COMPETITIVE

"Very professional "

- 08/04/2024

Peter Bonner & Co have 1 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Peter Bonner & Co 51.4613455 -0.00654 20567 Peter Bonner & Co

Peter Bonner & Co



Macauley Smith Ltd 51.48653909999999 -0.0361503 19720

Macauley Smith Ltd


Brooklyn Law Limited 51.4613968 -0.0108856 38643

Brooklyn Law Limited


Ashley Smith & Co Limited 51.4613968 -0.0108856 24632

Ashley Smith & Co Limited



Beps (deptford) Limited 51.48074949999999 -0.0266057 15066

Beps (deptford) Limited



Cale Solicitors 51.4730708 -0.0181389 21174

Cale Solicitors


Fairview Solicitors Limited 51.4613968 -0.0108856 13369

Fairview Solicitors Limited


Gems Legal Services Limited 51.4380083 -0.0327283 28029

Gems Legal Services Limited


Graceland Solicitors Limited 51.4557468 -0.0147151 14166

Graceland Solicitors Limited


Ineyab Solicitors 51.4653776 -0.0365839 15649

Ineyab Solicitors


Kingscourt Solicitors 51.4421109 -0.0348191 27835

Kingscourt Solicitors


Living Spring Solicitors 51.474445 -0.0217838 28436

Living Spring Solicitors


Michael Stevens Solicitors 51.4755002 -0.0288915 14255

Michael Stevens Solicitors


Monioro Less & Co 51.4259432 -0.0520059 22892

Monioro Less & Co


Morrison Spowart Ltd 51.4450634 -0.0194957 14446

Morrison Spowart Ltd


Mountain Partnership Solicitors LLP 51.4760267 -0.0474598 24257

Mountain Partnership Solicitors LLP


Samuel Louis Solicitors 51.4753785 -0.023799 17725

Samuel Louis Solicitors


Simon Bethel Solicitors Limited 51.4629462 -0.0107748 14393

Simon Bethel Solicitors Limited

