
Top 10 Clinical Negligence Solicitors in Islington

Here you can see the best Clinical Negligence solicitors in Islington. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Slater Heelis

1594 reviews

Ranked #1 out of 16 Clinical Negligence solicitor firms in Islington

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Caring Professional Service"

- 02/03/2023

Slater Heelis have Clinical Negligence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Slater Heelis 51.5306185 -0.0935712 38968 Slater Heelis

Slater Heelis



Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd

401 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 16 Clinical Negligence solicitor firms in Islington

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Outstanding help - Sharon Kang - Duncan Lewis Solicitors"

- 21/11/2024

"Fantastic solicitors who are on the ball"

- 17/01/2024

Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd have Clinical Negligence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd 51.5467969 -0.0789452 24434 Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd

Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd



Leigh Day

2065 reviews

Ranked #3 out of 16 Clinical Negligence solicitor firms in Islington

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 05/01/2025


- 05/12/2024

Leigh Day have 29 Clinical Negligence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Leigh Day 51.5219893 -0.1028802 30866 Leigh Day

Leigh Day



Cartwright King Solicitors

1035 reviews

Ranked #4 out of 16 Clinical Negligence solicitor firms in Islington

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Very good lawyer "

- 24/03/2025

"The most awesome service!"

- 06/03/2025

Cartwright King Solicitors have Clinical Negligence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 4

Cartwright King Solicitors
Cartwright King Solicitors
Cartwright King Solicitors
Cartwright King Solicitors
Cartwright King Solicitors 51.5328627 -0.1100585 39168 Cartwright King Solicitors

Cartwright King Solicitors



Miller Rosenfalck LLP 51.52327 -0.1042253 24083

Miller Rosenfalck LLP



Judge Law Solicitors Ltd 51.52547149999999 -0.08364869999999999 27449

Judge Law Solicitors Ltd



Imran Khan & Partners

19 reviews

Ranked #7 out of 16 Clinical Negligence solicitor firms in Islington

Imran Khan & Partners 51.52260760000001 -0.1138964 24867 Imran Khan & Partners

Imran Khan & Partners



Bishop Lloyd & Jackson Solicitors Limited 51.4990736 -0.1979276 1251

Bishop Lloyd & Jackson Solicitors Limited



The Specter Partnership Limited 51.5212719 -0.1035587 25998

The Specter Partnership Limited



Gelbergs LLP 51.5426078 -0.1033496 21511

Gelbergs LLP



Hogan Lovells International LLP 51.5163822 -0.1042518 22300

Hogan Lovells International LLP


Kingsley Napley LLP 51.5213826 -0.1026171 20828

Kingsley Napley LLP


Burke Niazi Limited 51.5583008 -0.1196188 19425

Burke Niazi Limited


Daniel Clifford Law LLP 51.5331013 -0.1188988 28146

Daniel Clifford Law LLP



Faradays Solicitors Ltd 51.560436 -0.1142649 20190

Faradays Solicitors Ltd


Holman Fenwick Willan LLP 51.5113096 -0.07878109999999999 20695

Holman Fenwick Willan LLP

