Introduced by property layer & was good , In Letigation is down fall and money making game they played . In 2017 I hand over 3 legitimate prospect of fact case I have over two was destroyed inside the office I paid the bills only nothing gone out of their office even ! Last one was defending Letigation case was destroyed completely before the court stop working for me ! From court I find completely wrong things was set to make sure you case go weak .
Complint department even more worse ignoring the evidence just argumentative with out open the eye and see the evidence .
SRA is feed by them so they close eye and make decision on caver to them with out even see evidence . What is right and wrong rectifying and doing things right is their duty but they are !!!! I had a very bad experience with them and it cost me almost 80k total for no reason .
After reading this please carefully make your own decision for anything .