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Goodwins Family Law Solicitors Limited

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Goodwins Family Law Solicitors Limited

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October 16, 2024

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Dishonest and greedy

My experience with Goodwins Family Law Solicitors, particularly with Helen, who is supposed to be one of the senior partners, has been nothing short of a nightmare. Helen is not only incredibly greedy but also heartless and untruthful. She only cares about lining her own pockets and relentlessly pushes in-house strategies that serve one purpose: to rack up fees for the firm, regardless of how much damage it does to the client's case.

Her fee estimates are a moving target—one minute you're told a lowball figure, the next, you're being charged astronomical sums. She quotes you estimates between peanuts and gold but always ends up charging you for gold. This kind of manipulation is absolutely unacceptable, and it became clear to me that Helen treats her clients as nothing more than guinea pigs to sustain her extravagant lifestyle.

On top of that, she is shockingly unprofessional and disorganized. Despite paying her around £95,000, including barristers' fees, my case went from bad to worse under her so-called 'guidance.' What’s worse, she demands payment months in advance for work that hasn’t even begun.

If you're thinking about hiring Goodwins, I strongly urge you to reconsider. This firm is a money pit, and I am now in the process of taking my complaint to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Save yourself the stress, time, and money—go elsewhere.

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