Collected on:
Ignore claimants and total lack of communication
I began my hearing claim against the MoD through Baker & Coleman in or around April 2022 and have received little to no actual or beneficial movement of my claim from them once they had all the documentation signed by myself pertaining to what financial settlement they would receive from my case in the outcome of a successful claim.
I've rang, emailed and even snail mailed this company many times to be either told the file handlers away on leave or she's off sick or as in most cases to message someone else as the member of staffs absent from the office for whatever reason?
This to me now after almost 3 years of patiently waiting (or being fobbed off) is becoming a farce and one I 'seriously regret' authorising & commission this company to handle on my behalf.
I'm constantly told "it'll be dealt with and finalised in about 3-6 months with a financial settlement outcome" and "it's the MoD that are stalling" but that to me after many approaches for updates is wearing thin & my confidence in them has been completely lost.
Either the company I chose are incomp-e-tant (I have to edit my words as algorithms don't allow real expression of feelings) or the whole things simply a data harvesting 5cam...I honestly don't know which it is?
I recommend any other veteran who's contemplapting commissioning Baker & Coleman to think long and hard and do your own due diligence on them beforehand as I foolishly didn't. I hope I'm wrong!
Hopefully making this comment will spur them on to act accordingly, but I fear it'll end my case due to me publicly shining light on my individual claim, either way I'll know the truth!
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