This review is from my heart. Tom McGovern, is the best among the clique of best solicitors and one of the 1% of the 1% best lawyers in Scotland. Honestly, he is a genius. I had two consecutive cases and I told him 💯 truth. He got all details from me, all evidences. Initially, I was damn bothered about how guilty I was and he honestly assured me and cheered me up, so I won't have heart attack. He promised to help me. He is a man of his word. He was timely in court and obviously very prepared for my cases.
All I did in court was to sitback, relax and listen to how he argued and fought for me infront of 2 judges. He expressed my mind completely with the right legal justifications. I was proud that I made him my solicitor! I saw his legal genius and magic in court as he countered accusations intelligently.
He helped me out till the point when I got a call from him today that: "your case has been kicked out of court". We won!!! That was how my second case ended with success.
He made the cases so seamless and resolved it as if they were his personal cases. He said I am a good man and he has never seen someone as honest as I am. In court, he presented the case with the right and perfect words beyond the evidences.
At first, I was scared when the judiciary team said so many things but he listened to all. Then he called me to an interview room to ask everything else, more information and documents. Then we went back and he said my mind 💯 with legal eloquence as he was quoting British laws to the judges. His arguments persuaded the judges to agree with him and make the right judgement just as he assured me on the predicted possible outcome.
Trust me, he is the right solicitor and friend that will truly give his very best for you. This is not a sweet review, but a genuine one from my heart. My wife is also glad as we have made him our number go-to solicitor incase of future uncertainties.