Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
Solicitor - Director
SRA ID: 433929
Elena is one of our Directors and heads the Extradition Department. She has vast experience in both criminal law and complex extradition cases. Elena has represented clients in cases involving alleged multi-million pound fraud and money laundering; serious and large-scale conspiracies and the most serious of offences. Elena has represented high net-worth and high profile individuals and is experienced in dealing with politically motivated prosecutions. She has a strong client base and has acted in high profile extradition cases involving Eastern European clients. With an international practice, Elena has dealt with extradition requests from Romania, Poland, Italy, Belgium and other countries. Elena has been invited as a guest speaker at international events. Elena is bilingual, English & Romanian.
Yard House, May Place, RG21 7NX
Licensed for 13 years
Practice Areas
Consumer, Crime/ Criminal Defence
- Crime/ Criminal Defence 50%
- Consumer 50%
13 Client Reviews
Overall experience
- Value For Money
- Communication
- Initial Impressions
- Approachability
- Documentation Accuracy
- Legal knowledge
About Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
Elena is one of our Directors and heads the Extradition Department. She has vast experience in both criminal law and complex extradition cases. Elena has represented clients in cases involving alleged multi-million pound fraud and money laundering; serious and large-scale conspiracies and the most serious of offences. Elena has represented high net-worth and high profile individuals and is experienced in dealing with politically motivated prosecutions. She has a strong client base and has acted in high profile extradition cases involving Eastern European clients. With an international practice, Elena has dealt with extradition requests from Romania, Poland, Italy, Belgium and other countries. Elena has been invited as a guest speaker at international events. Elena is bilingual, English & Romanian.
Languages Spoken: English, Romanian
Contact Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
United Kingdom
Currently Registered
We found no instances of professional misconduct for this solicitor
Coomber Rich Limited
Cel mai bun avocat pe extradare !!!!
Am fost aparat intr-un caz de extradare de catre doamna avocat Elena Jacobs si domnul Peter Caldwell barister. Din prima zi de cand a preluat cazul si pana la final am comunicat excelent cu doamna av.Mi-a explicat pana la cel mai mic detaliu tot ceea ce urmeaza,strategie de aparare absolut totul. Profesionalism la cel mai inalt nivel. Vaste cunostinte in ceea ce priveste legea procesual penala si extradarea.Doamna Elena Jacobs este cel mai bun avocat pe care il cunosc.De asemenea este un om minunat. Doamna av impreuna cu domnul barister au castigat cazul de extradare impotriva unei tari membra a Uniunii Europene pe art 5 ceea ce este extrem de dificil,de fapt singurul caz castigat pe acest articol pana acum. SUNT CEI MAI BUNI !!!! Recomand tuturor avocat Elena Jacobs. Multumesc din suflet pentru tot Elena Jacobs & Peter Caldwell !
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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Truly professional people!!!
I have benefited from their professional help. Every time I needed help, they helped me very quickly with everything I needed. My case was successfully won thanks to this extraordinary team. I would like to mention the special help of Elena Jacobs and Ben Seifert. I recommend with all confidence!!!
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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Am apelat la doamna Elena Jacobs pe caz de extradare ; evident ca am castigat datorita dumneaei , cat si a echipei extraordinar de implicata. Nu am cuvinte sa le multumesc , dar cu siguranță sunt o echipa de incredere si puteti apela la ei fara teama . Doamna Elena a comunicat in detaliu cu mine dar si cu familia mea de fiecare data cand a fost nevoie . Sunt niste oameni buni , corecți si mai ales pasionați de munca lor pe care o presteaza de nota 10 ! Multumiri fara numar , fara apararea dvs. si încrederea oferită nu as fi trecut peste acele momente crunte !
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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Extraordinar de mulțumit
Băiatul meu a fost acuzat de stalking și a fost aparat de doamna avocat ELENA JACOBS.
Vreau să mărturisesc că este un profesionist desăvârșit, cu mare experiență , a comunicat foarte bine cu băiatul meu că și client și cu noi că și familie.
A pregătit apărarea într-un mod exemplar , cu foarte multe detalii și amănunte care în final au fost foarte utile in a-l declara pe băiatul meu NEVINOVAT.
A conlucrat cu un adevărat profesionist și anume cu dl BARISTER, cel care susține apărarea la procesul in sine.
Vreau sa scot in evidenta grija doamnei avocat ELENA JACOBS fata de adevăr și fața de toate evenimentele petrecute în timp. Aceasta arată o abordare profesionista și cu responsabilitate a cazului în sine.
Mi-a plăcut în mod deosebit disponibilitatea doamnei avocat in a conlucra cu băiatul meu și cu noi că și familie.
Noi, băiatul meu și întreaga familie nu avem atâtea cuvinte pentru a ne arata recunoștința fața
de doamna avocat ELENA JACOBS precum și fata de dl BARISTER cel cu care a colaborat doamna avocat și care a susținut cazul in instanță reușind să facă juriul de 12 inși să îl declare pe băiatul meu NEVINOVAT IN UNANIMITATE.
O recomand din tot sufletul pe doamna avocat ELENA JACOBS pentru a va apăra împreună cu echipa ei cu care colaborează.
Doamna avocat sa va dea Dumnezeu sănătate și fericire pentru că și dumneavoastră ne-ați dăruit același lucru !
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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The best company
Top solicitors
Very professional
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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My extradition solicitor
Elena is very good solicitor. Does explain everything in details. Comes very often to visits. Always had good connection between us. When I didn’t understand something she explained. Plus I called from wandrworth and always explained me the situation. I really was happy because I saw my cell mate (3 of them because I change cells) having mistakes by their solicitors and not even getting letters. I got letters about everything what happens plus a lot of visits.
Well appreciated
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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The best Solicitors in UK!
I really recommend this law firm. They offer services at the highest level. I am very pleased with the cooperation. Obviously my case was won!
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
A representative from Coomber Rich Limited responded to this review on 08 February, 2024
We are delighted to hear that you were pleased with the service that you received, Thank you for your feedback.
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Thank you very much for having you as lawyer and as a team .
I am very glad from my experience ,and i would recommend this team to everybody .Especially thanks for Ben Sherman & Elena Jacobs ,and for the rest of team
. They keep their promises and everything it was how I expected .
Many thanks and wish them all the good !!!
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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Professional people with good heart.
From my point of view, Ms. Jacbos, Mr. Rosen, and their team were very professional, proactive, and
communicative with me. Thank you so much for helping and supporting me with regard to my case.
Highly recommend to everyone!
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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Dacă astăzi sotul meu este alaturi de noi este datorita doamnei av ELENA si a domnului av Matei Clej.Totul la superlativ .Înainte de a fi avocati sunt niste oameni minunati ,au devenit îngerii nostri păzitori din prima zi când am luat legatura cu domniile lor.Daca astazi suntem înca o familie este datorita lor .Au reusit sa anuleze mandatul de extradare a sotului meu .Nu voi putea niciodata sa le multumes îndeajuns pentru tot ceea ce au facut pentru noi .Doamna avv Elena a fost omul care mi-a dat curaj,atunci cand nu mai vedeam speranta .Daca aveti nevoie vreodata de un avv ,nu ezitati sa îi contactati.Recomand cu o deosebita încredere .
Lawyer named in this review: Elena-Mihaela Jacobs
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