Joanne Millward
SRA ID: 1822
Joanne is the perfect balance between compassionate and approachable with her clients but also someone who will fight hard to ensure you get the best outcome. She deals with divorce, finances, pre-nups and post-nups and all aspects of separation. She regularly acts in cases where clients have significant assets, either in property, investments, companies, or pensions.
Her ability to prepare the best case possible for her clients is also matched by her ability to negotiate but also be a tough opponent; Joanne is someone you want on your side. Joanne very much promotes conciliatory negotiations without the necessity for court wherever possible and gives clients sensible advice about the options available to them with practical cost information, both at the beginning and throughout the proceedings.
2 Kayes Walk, Stoney Street, The Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1PZ
Licensed for 29 years
Practice Areas
Family Law