Executive at Ison Harrison Limited

Ervin Shakaj


Ervin Shakaj is an Executive within our Commercial Litigation team.

Duke House, 54 Wellington Street, LS1 2EE

Licensed for 1 years

Practice Areas

Company & Commercial

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Malek Added 8 months ago 1 found this helpful Report to admin
Collected whilst working at Ison Harrison Limited
July 29, 2024 20240729145223

Lost in the jungle


It is long review but bare with me please it is your money and you are spending on those people I will save you thousands of £ !!! I have paid Massoud Djahed dentist in London £35k for nothing !
My name is dr Malek Mohsen and if you need my advice on those 3 names Jonathan Robson, Amardeep Dhillon, Ervin Shakaj, and the company Ison Harrison from Leeds ! So b4 using any of those please do not hesitate to contact me on 07894252909 I am happy to help! From my experience! If you want to pay a lot of money (like crazy) to loose your case those are the people that you need to hire! Forget the publications , forget the opinion about the company here is my honest opinion about them!
It started with recommendations from my solicitor ( another money socking bug ) and I went to Ison Harrison to be precise Mr Jonathan Robson, he seemed to understand the case and he estimate if we would lose the cost would be no more than £16k but we got a strong case here, as we have witnesses and some of the documents ! He warned me that it will take long time to end up in court but he did not say that will be years, paying them all the time ! Johnathan went missing for long months I thought the other party had resigned as they are building the case on my documents , then he called me saying that his mum had died Go0d save her soul and the case still on ! he will refer me to counsellor to estimate the likelihood of my winning this concul is Amardeep Dhillon this was a joke. Amardeep is a dentist and a lawyer I assume did not worked with dentistry so went to law and I think it is not working either :))) ! I have paied him £2k for his 1 h bullocks as did not understand the case ( he pretended studying the case b4 the meeting) and he got it compleatly wrong! The same Jonathan, they prepared the case to the court and they made mistakes when I rose these mistakes he said we need to meet again with counsellor and reammend the wording the figure and the dates even, and I need to pay him again and here I paid again for thier mistake ! They said I should have read the emails carefully and rise anything I do not agree b4 sending further, they would send me an email with 26 or so pages on Friday saying it is urgent and I need to submit that by Monday at certain hour! I have told them give me some time but this was always their practice ! When I called them nobody would unswer the phone they work maybe form home! Or they are cooking rice as a part time work at restaurants!
In mean time Jonathan referred me to Ervin Shakaj thinking about "as usual" my money to pay less :) and it would be more beneficial for me if I go with Shakaj, another bullocks ! Ervin did not understands the case but he new exactly from the beginning how he will end it „just give up „! So he started the socking and he was good at it sending me emails on Friday 16-18h and asking for response very polite emails but hey remember you are paying for every single one! I figure out that he had part time job and maybe he got only me as a pray for socking to last drop! As when I called him he never unswer but he always writes in his email please contact me if you need any assistance ( what a kind fella)
When Ervin got the case I think Jonathan had lost all my documents because Ervin would ask me to send all the documents all over again ! Even the other party enquiries was forwarded to me and needed to supply them with documents that Jonathan had got!
He started all those sending issues expecting me to be alerted all the time and giving me no time to react please remember that it is going on in years so he contacted me when I was in Cuba , Albania , Poland, Spain! made me being fed up with all this case ! We have finally arrived what so called NEGOTIATIONS fase and here you will see the bullocks.
we started asking the other party for money to be precise £5k and we end up paying them £35k without going to court, the other party started 42-48k and finished at £35k bless him good negotiations skills :) I never heard from my solicitor that we can win he always encouraged me to give up and pay according to the so called negotiations! He charged me circa £25k , just to give up and convinced me always to give up .
As I said I have had a good case to win and I do believe in the court system in UK , but unfortunately I have had hired unskilled bunch of professionals starting form Jonathan , adding the magic Dhillon who messed up the statement completely and Ending on Shakaj! If my money was an issue why to hire this Dhillon thing ? Why to proceed further knowing that we will give up at the end ! So it was never about wining the case but to generate money :)))Those people are like vampires hanging upside down waiting for you to start and they sock dearly my friends.

Lawyer named in this review: Ervin Shakaj

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About Ervin Shakaj

Ervin Shakaj is an Executive within our Commercial Litigation team.

Languages Spoken: English

Contact Ervin Shakaj


Ison Harrison Limited

Duke House

54 Wellington Street


Phone 0113 284 5065








Ison Harrison Limited
