
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Wedlake Bell LLP 51.5119508 -0.0949385 19868

Wedlake Bell LLP


Weil Gotshal & Manges (london) LLP 51.51589420000001 -0.1096769 14395

Weil Gotshal & Manges (london) LLP


Welch & Co (solicitors) Ltd 52.0798779 -4.660146699999999 21451

Welch & Co (solicitors) Ltd


We Solicitors LLP 53.51240989999999 -2.1562608 22483

We Solicitors LLP


Westco Conveyancing Services 51.0002085 -2.9817416 24188

Westco Conveyancing Services


Westerham Solicitors Limited 51.2672132 0.0733667 27679

Westerham Solicitors Limited


Whatley & Co 51.4985495 -0.2118657 25002

Whatley & Co


W H Darbyshire Ltd 53.7429866 -2.9900373 13111

W H Darbyshire Ltd



Whetham & Green 50.958199 -0.1281557 14918

Whetham & Green


White & Case LLP 51.5145099 -0.08531949999999999 22335

White & Case LLP


Whitecross Solicitors 51.5230812 -0.0931334 23954

Whitecross Solicitors


Whitefield Solicitors Ltd 53.5116125 -2.2440453 18105

Whitefield Solicitors Ltd



Whitefields Solicitors 51.5774139 -0.0171677 21621

Whitefields Solicitors


Whiteheads Solicitors (staffordshire) Ltd 53.01276739999999 -2.2196704 16619

Whiteheads Solicitors (staffordshire) Ltd


Whittinghams 51.5067422 -3.5763052 25867



Wildes Solicitors Limited 53.2880596 -3.0626819 19618

Wildes Solicitors Limited


Wilfred Light & Reid 50.9232403 -1.4342122 26572

Wilfred Light & Reid


Wilks Price Hounslow Limited 50.7291489 -1.1641032 24939

Wilks Price Hounslow Limited



William Bailey 51.4609764 -0.07320829999999999 25645

William Bailey


William Graham Law Limited 51.4739971 -3.1525255 22344

William Graham Law Limited



William Heath & Co And Skelly & Corsellis 51.5176166 -0.1695078 26758

William Heath & Co And Skelly & Corsellis


William Kateny Legal Limited 51.5039889 -0.0914089 13504

William Kateny Legal Limited


Williams Beales & Co Ltd 52.075602 -3.1260813 19137

Williams Beales & Co Ltd


Williamson & Barnes 51.2232423 1.4018842 26138

Williamson & Barnes


Williams Thompson Solicitors LLP 50.7344413 -1.7733122 21569

Williams Thompson Solicitors LLP


Willsbo Cyf 52.1127077 -4.0785118 21439

Willsbo Cyf


Wilmot & Co Solicitors 51.7164188 -1.9705975 23688

Wilmot & Co Solicitors


Wilson Bramwell Ltd 53.9910923 -1.5335127 14905

Wilson Bramwell Ltd


Wilsons Solicitors LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Wilsons Solicitors LLP 51.0662532 -1.7933608 21912 Wilsons Solicitors LLP

Wilsons Solicitors LLP


Windeatts Solicitors LLP 50.4317307 -3.6883762 26129

Windeatts Solicitors LLP

