
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Naughtons Solicitors LLP 54.8374044 -1.3354494 15908

Naughtons Solicitors LLP


Nb Law

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Nb Law have 1 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Nb Law 53.1047196 -0.1883108 14383 Nb Law

Nb Law


Nca 52.0588239 1.1560493 18555



Neale Turk Rochfort 51.3410372 -0.7442147 25777

Neale Turk Rochfort


Neil Griffin & Co 50.7988539 -3.1912027 24668

Neil Griffin & Co


Neil Pidgeon Limited 52.7647955 -0.888678 18475

Neil Pidgeon Limited


Nelson Legal LLP 51.4398224 -2.5730967 19395

Nelson Legal LLP


Neon Legal Limited 54.96122219999999 -1.6446001 18956

Neon Legal Limited


Nerina Farmer Limited 52.91107599999999 -0.6410868 21659

Nerina Farmer Limited


Nether Edge Law 53.3616324 -1.5075641 22579

Nether Edge Law


Newbold Solicitors 51.663519 -3.0180316 17747

Newbold Solicitors


Newgate Solicitors 51.6546926 -0.1994409 15103

Newgate Solicitors


New Quadrant Partners Limited 51.5157683 -0.111354 19518

New Quadrant Partners Limited


Nfl Law Limited 51.56745249999999 0.5512551 28716

Nfl Law Limited


Nicholas And Partners 53.7542966 -1.5982844 25750

Nicholas And Partners


Nicholas Gee 52.6002334 -1.8576724 20463

Nicholas Gee


Nicholls Christie & Crocker 51.5477392 -0.4805344 18595

Nicholls Christie & Crocker



Nichols Marcy Dawson LLP 51.3843657 -0.4164817 26096

Nichols Marcy Dawson LLP


Nicholson Portnell 54.96994979999999 -2.0987539 23910

Nicholson Portnell


Nick Morgan Solicitors 51.7455078 -1.258289 19015

Nick Morgan Solicitors


Nicola Phillips Solicitors LLP 51.06228900000001 -0.3301238 17220

Nicola Phillips Solicitors LLP


Nicol Denvir & Purnell 51.5088379 -3.1315742 26852

Nicol Denvir & Purnell


Niels Dagless Solicitors 50.7254522 -1.5900297 27641

Niels Dagless Solicitors


Nigel J Humes & Co 54.8550341 -1.5731197 24902

Nigel J Humes & Co


Nigel R Davis Limited 53.0104195 -1.7430588 23070

Nigel R Davis Limited


Nilo Sharma & Associates 51.4565728 -0.9957619999999999 22363

Nilo Sharma & Associates


Nissi Solicitors 52.5208125 -1.9975246 28341

Nissi Solicitors


Nixon Peabody International LLP 51.5116372 -0.1416851 21785

Nixon Peabody International LLP


Noble Harbour Solicitors 51.6679839 -4.0412234 19407

Noble Harbour Solicitors



Noel Kelly Solicitor 52.4148071 -1.549121 22302

Noel Kelly Solicitor

