
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Grylls And Paige 50.2323369 -5.2309864 26842

Grylls And Paige


G Singh 51.5157229 -0.2913563 24917

G Singh


G S Solicitors Limited 52.5398851 -1.3731805 19726

G S Solicitors Limited


Gudgeons Prentice 52.1879959 0.9960268 26841

Gudgeons Prentice


Gulf Bay Consulting Ltd 51.5131813 -0.1546533 14511

Gulf Bay Consulting Ltd


Gurneys 52.2218993 1.3418182 25470



Gwynne Hughes 52.2416993 -4.2579215 26832

Gwynne Hughes


Hague & Dixon LLP 53.9568701 -1.0828274 13667

Hague & Dixon LLP


Haighs Law Firm Limited 54.9321972 -1.6181384 27518

Haighs Law Firm Limited


Haighs Solicitors 53.67417589999999 -1.6922069 20667

Haighs Solicitors


Hall & Co 51.4483688 -0.0732211 21347

Hall & Co


Halo Legal Services Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Halo Legal Services Limited have Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Halo Legal Services Limited
Halo Legal Services Limited 52.57139919999999 -2.1241771 27511 Halo Legal Services Limited

Halo Legal Services Limited


Hannaford Turner LLP 51.5114404 -0.0916249 13431

Hannaford Turner LLP


Hanney Dawkins & Jones 51.5943664 -0.3831881 26813

Hanney Dawkins & Jones


Hanratty & Co 52.51466509999999 -3.3139307 25807

Hanratty & Co


Hanson Woods Limited 51.56401779999999 0.1105184 16327

Hanson Woods Limited


Harbottle & Lewis LLP 51.5103875 -0.1207769 23741

Harbottle & Lewis LLP



Harcus Sinclair Uk Limited 51.5128968 -0.1164244 15384

Harcus Sinclair Uk Limited


Hardings Solicitors Limited 54.9061658 -1.3807164 17606

Hardings Solicitors Limited



Hardington Hogg Solicitors LLP 55.4120128 -1.7026721 14115

Hardington Hogg Solicitors LLP


Harland & Co Solicitors Limited 53.95987650000001 -1.0775337 21153

Harland & Co Solicitors Limited


Harper & Odell 51.5212084 -0.1018604 30984

Harper & Odell


Harpers 51.5227888 -0.1145376 25148




Harrisons Solicitors LLP

1 review

Ranked #2641 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Harrisons Solicitors LLP 52.6588797 -3.1479946 22321 Harrisons Solicitors LLP

Harrisons Solicitors LLP



Harrop White Vallance & Dawson 53.142611 -1.1956737 26798

Harrop White Vallance & Dawson


Harrow Law Practice 51.5810372 -0.3183513 16385

Harrow Law Practice


Harry Boodhoo & Co 53.43371399999999 -2.2296946 25879

Harry Boodhoo & Co


Hart Jackson & Sons 54.1948324 -3.0944145 26790

Hart Jackson & Sons


Harvard Solicitors Ltd. 53.59837890000001 -2.2895366 28194

Harvard Solicitors Ltd.


Harvey Howell Limited 53.4749328 -3.0298146 13490

Harvey Howell Limited

