
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Andrew Durkan Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 18400

Andrew Durkan Ltd


Andrew Tobias & Co Solicitors 51.51823049999999 -0.1667878 23226

Andrew Tobias & Co Solicitors


Angel Law Limited 51.5335423 -0.1099696 22270

Angel Law Limited


Ankamah Russell Law LLP 51.3681129 -0.09983339999999999 28439

Ankamah Russell Law LLP



Ansham White Limited 51.5843089 -0.3590683 13430

Ansham White Limited



Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP 52.48163899999999 -1.9020078 515

Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP


Anthony Harris & Co 50.75215739999999 -1.6578893 24840

Anthony Harris & Co



Anthony Jacobs & Co 51.494013 -3.1670752 25814

Anthony Jacobs & Co


Anthony Leonard Associates 51.3566134 -0.1178642 24987

Anthony Leonard Associates


Anthony Pugh 51.42066579999999 -3.4151649 25308

Anthony Pugh


Anthony Solicitors 51.636004 -0.0917388 24081

Anthony Solicitors


A Oldschool & Co 51.534218 -0.1044769 26220

A Oldschool & Co



A P Bassett Solicitors 50.4074162 -4.6700046 22530

A P Bassett Solicitors


Aplin Stockton Fairfax 52.0598405 -1.3427547 25680

Aplin Stockton Fairfax


Appleby Shaw Limited 51.4788213 -0.6131789999999999 19471

Appleby Shaw Limited


Appletons Solicitors Limited 53.73512789999999 -1.7187367 30702

Appletons Solicitors Limited


Aq Archers Solicitors Limited 51.5774139 -0.0171677 18321

Aq Archers Solicitors Limited


Archdeacon Russell & Co 51.9999092 -0.9886627000000001 25387

Archdeacon Russell & Co


Archerfield Partners LLP 51.5010012 -0.1309114 19345

Archerfield Partners LLP


Armadillo Legal Limited 51.9491361 -0.2763587 14497

Armadillo Legal Limited


Armitage & Guest 53.67972349999999 -1.4962787 27142

Armitage & Guest


Armstrongs 51.4150764 -0.2003986 22607



Arthur & Co 51.5775083 -0.3716347 27138

Arthur & Co



Arton Law Limited 51.5310113 -0.0123362 13934

Arton Law Limited


A S Croxson 51.4608696 -0.2686889 21868

A S Croxson


A S Greenstreet Limited 51.72729 0.4727547 23844

A S Greenstreet Limited


Ashburnham Solicitors Limited 52.6329453 1.293865 27554

Ashburnham Solicitors Limited


Ashby Family Law Practice 52.9232029 -1.4805561 24798

Ashby Family Law Practice


Ashley-shaun & Kemp Solicitors 52.8982203 -1.866407 19261

Ashley-shaun & Kemp Solicitors


Ashton Bond Gigg 52.9525987 -1.151036 25737

Ashton Bond Gigg

