
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Addleshaw Goddard LLP 51.5203999 -0.090276 22642

Addleshaw Goddard LLP



A D Firth & Co 53.29237699999999 -2.1096394 24213

A D Firth & Co



Adlams LLP 52.2279388 -0.2709404 21198

Adlams LLP



Adve Law Limited 52.1131368 -4.0801821 17070

Adve Law Limited


A E P Zaleski 51.4457332 -0.2004744 24667

A E P Zaleski


A F Barker & Co 51.7620404 -0.5646414 27112

A F Barker & Co


A F Brooks & Company 53.00540729999999 -2.1869523 27290

A F Brooks & Company


A F Hill Ltd 51.4962568 -0.0992522 14118

A F Hill Ltd


Agri Advisor Legal LLP 52.0694304 -3.9620351 30715

Agri Advisor Legal LLP


A H Christie Legal LLP 51.49376059999999 -0.1753472 18512

A H Christie Legal LLP


A.h. Page 51.5815406 0.0744367 21030

A.h. Page


Ainsley Harris Limited 51.6280055 -0.7474470999999999 19482

Ainsley Harris Limited


A J Careless Limited 50.59430140000001 -1.2068008 16401

A J Careless Limited


Aj Legal Consultants Ltd 51.5622405 0.0684219 27636

Aj Legal Consultants Ltd


Akin Palmer LLP 51.5297369 -0.1015201 20120

Akin Palmer LLP


Alan Simons & Co 51.438142 -3.1746855 26426

Alan Simons & Co


Alasdair Watson & Co 54.9372949 -1.6918847 24994

Alasdair Watson & Co


Alexander Christian 51.5843089 -0.3590683 22494

Alexander Christian



Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP

1 review

Ranked #2140 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP 51.3497897 -0.1007099 21567 Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP

Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP


Alfred Newton Solicitors 53.4075274 -2.1600122 26210

Alfred Newton Solicitors


Alister Pilling 50.2123667 -5.3000113 24771

Alister Pilling



Allan Janes LLP 51.6280151 -0.7458142999999999 23582

Allan Janes LLP


Allard Bailey Family Law Ltd 51.5178289 -0.1125516 13161

Allard Bailey Family Law Ltd


Allen & Overy Llp 51.5198109 -0.0773423 31340

Allen & Overy Llp


Alliance Solicitors 51.5410072 -0.2021552 24121

Alliance Solicitors


Allied Solicitors Limited 53.44173980000001 -2.1893316 356

Allied Solicitors Limited


Allison Solicitors 51.7291049 0.4565471 22346

Allison Solicitors


Alpha Lexis Law Firm 51.64372909999999 -0.2982701 20770

Alpha Lexis Law Firm


Amd Solicitors Limited 51.4847997 -2.6119975 23707

Amd Solicitors Limited



Ammal Solicitors 51.546791 -0.4788353 15761

Ammal Solicitors

