Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK
Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!
A M Strachan & Company
1 review
Ranked #1735 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Anderson Partnership Solicitors
2 reviews
Ranked #1736 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Arden Solicitors Advocates
1 review
Ranked #1737 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Arlington Crown Solicitors Limited
1 review
Ranked #1738 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Arlington Crown Solicitors Limited
Arnison & Company Solicitors Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1739 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Arnison & Company Solicitors Limited
Aspinall Wright Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1740 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Ata & Co
6 reviews
Ranked #1741 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
"They have excellent services!"
- 10/08/2023
"I have experienced excellent services with Ata & Co "
- 27/04/2023
Ata & Co have 1 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 0
Barrow And Cook Solicitors Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1742 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Bbp Legal Limited
1 review
Ranked #1743 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
B J Mckenna & Co Solicitors LLP
3 reviews
Ranked #1744 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Bowles & Co Solicitors LLP
3 reviews
Ranked #1745 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Bright Legal Solicitors Limited
9 reviews
Ranked #1746 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Bude Nathan Iwanier LLP
6 reviews
Ranked #1747 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Carr & Co Solicitors (yorkshire) Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1748 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Carr & Co Solicitors (yorkshire) Limited
Catherine Higgins Law Limited
1 review
Ranked #1749 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Charltons Solicitors Limited
3 reviews
Ranked #1750 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Costley & Partners Solicitors
2 reviews
Ranked #1752 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Cozens-Hardy LLP
3 reviews
Ranked #1754 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Cribbin & Co Solicitors Ltd
3 reviews
Ranked #1755 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Cuff And Gough LLP
1 review
Ranked #1756 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Daniel & Edwards
2 reviews
Ranked #1757 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
David Shine & Kharbanda
1 review
Ranked #1758 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Dominic Thompson & Co Solicitors
1 review
Ranked #1760 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
"Solicitors who care"
- 10/07/2024
Dominic Thompson & Co Solicitors have Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 1

Downs Solicitors LLP
2 reviews
Ranked #1761 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Elliott Bridgman Limited
1 review
Ranked #1762 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK
Flk Solicitors Limited
2 reviews