
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Donald Race & Newton Solicitors Limited 53.7882634 -2.2440904 16276

Donald Race & Newton Solicitors Limited



Girlings Solicitors LLP 51.27698729999999 1.0792049 15326

Girlings Solicitors LLP



John Fletcher Solicitors Limited

22 reviews

Ranked #1037 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"It has been a pleasure working with you"

- 11/05/2023

"I am so grateful for all of your help"

- 10/06/2023

John Fletcher Solicitors Limited have 2 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

John Fletcher Solicitors Limited
John Fletcher Solicitors Limited
John Fletcher Solicitors Limited 53.3030847 -2.3713667 22012 John Fletcher Solicitors Limited

John Fletcher Solicitors Limited



Lawyers Point Solicitors Limited 52.0400756 -0.7619738 17792

Lawyers Point Solicitors Limited



Trueman's Solicitors Limited 51.7478321 -1.2561651 28598

Trueman's Solicitors Limited



Vine Law 52.6645772 0.1574475 39097

Vine Law



Anthony Clark & Co Limited 53.2291696 -0.5414348999999999 14346

Anthony Clark & Co Limited



Irvine Yates Limited

11 reviews

Ranked #1042 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Exceptional Legal Support in a Difficult Property Case"

- 10/02/2025

"Litigation Advice & Action"

- 06/01/2025

Irvine Yates Limited have Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Irvine Yates Limited 53.584282 -2.1363722 28054 Irvine Yates Limited

Irvine Yates Limited



Jasper Vincent Solicitors 50.9009723 -1.4012056 17737

Jasper Vincent Solicitors



Laker Legal Solicitors Limited

56 reviews

Ranked #1044 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Laker Legal Solicitors Limited 54.0501583 -2.8102716 37085 Laker Legal Solicitors Limited

Laker Legal Solicitors Limited



Stone Rowe Brewer LLP 51.44690689999999 -0.3270827 20203

Stone Rowe Brewer LLP



Caverley Lightfoot Limited 50.84597100000001 -1.2323838 28434

Caverley Lightfoot Limited



Dawn Solicitors Ltd 51.50971759999999 -0.5965053 14881

Dawn Solicitors Ltd



Max Engel & Co LLP

9 reviews

Ranked #1048 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Max Engel & Co LLP 52.236334 -0.8906904 23630 Max Engel & Co LLP

Max Engel & Co LLP



Open Law Limited 53.6009266 -1.9274743 30450

Open Law Limited



Taylor Lewis Solicitors 52.0858453 -4.6587672 13001

Taylor Lewis Solicitors



Archer Rusby Solicitors Limited 51.6374465 -0.4662233 18500

Archer Rusby Solicitors Limited



Hsr Solicitors 51.5129137 -0.0425537 23518

Hsr Solicitors



Punch Robson 54.5180085 -1.3186145 26273

Punch Robson



Askews 54.6191446 -1.0683542 27136




Charles French & Co Limited 50.33807849999999 -4.7933785 17199

Charles French & Co Limited



Davies Blunden & Evans 51.2937174 -0.7565925 24629

Davies Blunden & Evans



Gowlings Solicitors Limited 53.7588806 -2.7034749 19273

Gowlings Solicitors Limited



J Scott & Co Limited

9 reviews

Ranked #1058 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Fantastic Solicitors"

- 10/02/2025

"Great service and very proactive, would 100% use again. "

- 17/11/2024

J Scott & Co Limited have 1 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

J Scott & Co Limited
J Scott & Co Limited
J Scott & Co Limited 51.52274 -0.7209466 14581 J Scott & Co Limited

J Scott & Co Limited



London Corporate Legal Limited 51.5078182 -0.1418035 16996

London Corporate Legal Limited



McGarry Law LLP

9 reviews

Ranked #1060 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - COMPETITIVE

"Possession Order"

- 20/03/2025

"Thank You to McGarry & Co"

- 20/03/2025

McGarry Law LLP have 3 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

McGarry Law LLP 54.5447784 -1.9240079 37539 McGarry Law LLP

McGarry Law LLP



Percy Walker

13 reviews

Ranked #1061 out of 3493 Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Wiils and Power of Attorney"

- 23/01/2025


- 29/08/2024

Percy Walker have Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Percy Walker 50.8554133 0.5799301 26321 Percy Walker

Percy Walker



Simpson Jones LLP 52.9247041 -1.4744098 19022

Simpson Jones LLP



Tp Legal 51.3204958 -0.5566232999999999 17595

Tp Legal



Bawtrees LLP 51.7988064 0.6392194999999999 977

Bawtrees LLP

