
Top 10 Welfare & Benefits Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Welfare & Benefits solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Michael Heath Solicitors Limited 53.8468027 -1.6503452 15425

Michael Heath Solicitors Limited



Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors 51.6896607 -3.2291303 25219

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors


Middleton Law Ltd 50.8797837 -1.0192817 14482

Middleton Law Ltd


Millbank Solicitors 51.5256038 -0.1045176 24142

Millbank Solicitors


Milne Moser Incorporating Powell & Sykes 54.3253469 -2.7480589 26633

Milne Moser Incorporating Powell & Sykes


Mjc Law Limited 52.95256620000001 -1.1418137 28398

Mjc Law Limited


M J Solomon & Partners 51.5149943 -0.0638818 23592

M J Solomon & Partners


M M E Brenninkmeyer 51.5092941 -0.1355438 24690

M M E Brenninkmeyer


M M Frame Limited 51.6272893 0.0366341 16164

M M Frame Limited


Monioro Less & Co 51.4259432 -0.0520059 22892

Monioro Less & Co


Morgan Lewis & Bockius Uk LLP 51.5133899 -0.0998573 15236

Morgan Lewis & Bockius Uk LLP


Nca 52.0588239 1.1560493 18555



Ndg Law Limited 51.4680516 -0.3654105 28469

Ndg Law Limited


Neale Turk Rochfort 51.3410372 -0.7442147 25777

Neale Turk Rochfort


Nelson Legal LLP 51.4398224 -2.5730967 19395

Nelson Legal LLP


Nigel R Davis Limited 53.0104195 -1.7430588 23070

Nigel R Davis Limited


Nissi Solicitors 52.5208125 -1.9975246 28341

Nissi Solicitors



Noel Kelly Solicitor 52.4148071 -1.549121 22302

Noel Kelly Solicitor


Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre Limited 52.9577567 -1.1507564 14718

Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre Limited


Obadiah Rose Solicitors 51.4925659 -0.074502 22246

Obadiah Rose Solicitors



O'Donnell Solicitors Limited 53.5371751 -2.0239989 14066

O'Donnell Solicitors Limited


O.h.parsons LLP 51.5059493 -0.5987104 16006

O.h.parsons LLP


Okafor & Co Solicitors 51.5307365 0.0998652 22287

Okafor & Co Solicitors


Oxford Law Group Ltd 51.75164909999999 -1.2569136 24395

Oxford Law Group Ltd


Paisleys 54.6424213 -3.5447145 26188



Paris Smith LLP 50.91102739999999 -1.4050309 23331

Paris Smith LLP


Parry Davies Clwyd Jones & Lloyd LLP 53.2564965 -4.310929 16778

Parry Davies Clwyd Jones & Lloyd LLP


Paul Finn Solicitors Limited 50.8285996 -4.544264399999999 22014

Paul Finn Solicitors Limited



Paul Ireland Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #728 out of 819 Welfare & Benefits solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - POOR

Paul Ireland Solicitors have 1 Welfare & Benefits solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Paul Ireland Solicitors 53.3966642 -2.5738206 16111 Paul Ireland Solicitors

Paul Ireland Solicitors


Penmans Solicitors LLP 52.4042299 -1.5182433 19004

Penmans Solicitors LLP

