
Top 10 Solicitors in Watford

Here you can see the best solicitors in Watford. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Graham Smith Property Lawyers LLP 51.6734198 -0.3959507 43948

Graham Smith Property Lawyers LLP


Jeffrey Doctors & Marchant 51.6544338 -0.3996136 53017

Jeffrey Doctors & Marchant


Jeremy Simon & Co 51.6537288 -0.3980338 25193

Jeremy Simon & Co


John Theron 51.6627632 -0.4146678 51561

John Theron


Kpmg LLP 51.6620539 -0.3965979 15191

Kpmg LLP


Kwil Legal Services Ltd 51.65847340000001 -0.3966941 36747

Kwil Legal Services Ltd


Maffey & Brentnall 51.65964719999999 -0.401454 26236

Maffey & Brentnall


Newbridge Law Ltd 51.659174 -0.3973417 51734

Newbridge Law Ltd


Newgate Solicitors 51.65847340000001 -0.3966941 29544

Newgate Solicitors


Paul Linton & Co Ltd 51.6534568 -0.3945739 38916

Paul Linton & Co Ltd


Property Lawyers Limited 51.6548428 -0.3946694 39393

Property Lawyers Limited


Robert Ryall Associates Ltd 51.660079 -0.3975062 19175

Robert Ryall Associates Ltd


Stephen Ryan Associates Ltd 51.660079 -0.3975062 19177

Stephen Ryan Associates Ltd


St John's Property Lawyers 51.6615803 -0.4040897 44084

St John's Property Lawyers


Zameer Nazarali 51.6505059 -0.3894946 37374

Zameer Nazarali

