
Top 10 Solicitors in Wakefield

Here you can see the best solicitors in Wakefield. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Dawson And Burgess 53.6834438 -1.5025329 37007

Dawson And Burgess



Wright & Co (pontefract) Limited 53.69255709999999 -1.3085058 19865

Wright & Co (pontefract) Limited


Armitage & Guest 53.6847425 -1.5014274 53071

Armitage & Guest


Catteralls Solicitors Limited 53.6829687 -1.5006913 39825

Catteralls Solicitors Limited


Cls Solicitors 53.6754197 -1.3592261 20039

Cls Solicitors


Fairwills Solicitors 53.67856949999999 -1.500844 28560

Fairwills Solicitors


Hawkswell Kilvington Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 54 solicitor firms in Wakefield

Hawkswell Kilvington Limited 53.65845849999999 -1.5162186 22015 Hawkswell Kilvington Limited

Hawkswell Kilvington Limited


Hk Mbo Limited 53.6584585 -1.5162186 27517

Hk Mbo Limited


Injury C B L Limited 53.6898886 -1.3157359 35968

Injury C B L Limited


King Street Solicitors LLP 53.6834195 -1.5010191 18585

King Street Solicitors LLP


Lawsons Solicitors 53.6831749 -1.4984027 22440

Lawsons Solicitors


Ljl Law Limited 53.6834438 -1.5025329 53094

Ljl Law Limited


Lofthouse & Co 53.7267162 -1.3526115 25451

Lofthouse & Co



Lords Solicitors (wakefield) Limited 53.6834438 -1.5025329 15661

Lords Solicitors (wakefield) Limited


L R Solicitors 53.6879918 -1.5068706 21931

L R Solicitors


Marcus Lindsey Hirst 53.7204916 -1.3062207 32945

Marcus Lindsey Hirst


Mjl Law Limited 53.6661942 -1.5405117 13928

Mjl Law Limited


Moxon And Barker LLP 53.6916089 -1.3139882 17803

Moxon And Barker LLP


Newport Land And Law Limited 53.6523635 -1.3844254 27581

Newport Land And Law Limited


Normanton Legal Ltd 53.7006785 -1.4195518 18029

Normanton Legal Ltd


Philip And Robert Howard Solicitors Limited 53.7267162 -1.3526115 17083

Philip And Robert Howard Solicitors Limited


Rowland Law Limited 53.6784662 -1.5754551 18539

Rowland Law Limited


Threemo Legal Services Limited 53.6993522 -1.5111151 44101

Threemo Legal Services Limited

