
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Wallace LLP 51.5180354 -0.1446565 23540

Wallace LLP


Walton & Co (planning Lawyers) Ltd 53.7972775 -1.554885 19927

Walton & Co (planning Lawyers) Ltd


Warren Murton 51.5205125 -0.1161452 26304

Warren Murton


Waterfront Solicitors LLP 51.50181569999999 -0.0965715 20835

Waterfront Solicitors LLP


Watermans 51.6090241 -0.112151 24308



Waters & Co 52.4998631 -1.7068291 25870

Waters & Co


Watson Brady LLP 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 21077

Watson Brady LLP


Watson Watson Solicitors Limited 52.6918123 -2.7155641 18220

Watson Watson Solicitors Limited


Watts Law Group Limited 53.6531112 -3.0018346 15771

Watts Law Group Limited


Waughs Solicitors 51.1237815 -0.008417599999999999 26299

Waughs Solicitors


Wayne Leighton LLP 51.6103031 -0.2783909 17572

Wayne Leighton LLP


W B Global Limited 51.5119304 -0.0951152 17067

W B Global Limited



Wedlake Bell LLP 51.5119508 -0.0949385 19868

Wedlake Bell LLP


Weil Gotshal & Manges (london) LLP 51.51589420000001 -0.1096769 14395

Weil Gotshal & Manges (london) LLP


WFW Global LLP 51.52027229999999 -0.0830021 23127

WFW Global LLP



Whetham & Green 50.958199 -0.1281557 14918

Whetham & Green


White & Black Limited 51.8335197 -1.3469653 19718

White & Black Limited


White & Case LLP 51.5145099 -0.08531949999999999 22335

White & Case LLP


Whitecross Solicitors 51.5230812 -0.0931334 23954

Whitecross Solicitors



Whitefields Solicitors 51.5774139 -0.0171677 21621

Whitefields Solicitors


Whiting & Purches 52.41410219999999 -1.7789678 25080

Whiting & Purches


Whitman Breed 51.8669221 -0.4109792 19486

Whitman Breed


Whittinghams 51.5067422 -3.5763052 25867



Wikborg Rein LLP 51.51225909999999 -0.0949327 20048

Wikborg Rein LLP


Wilde Law 50.2617817 -5.051741600000001 20250

Wilde Law


Wildes Solicitors Limited 53.2880596 -3.0626819 19618

Wildes Solicitors Limited


Wilks Price Hounslow Limited 50.7291489 -1.1641032 24939

Wilks Price Hounslow Limited



William Heath & Co And Skelly & Corsellis 51.5176166 -0.1695078 26758

William Heath & Co And Skelly & Corsellis


Williams Solicitors LLP 51.9689858 1.0230471 23622

Williams Solicitors LLP


Willkie Farr & Gallagher (uk) LLP 51.5194266 -0.089596 17933

Willkie Farr & Gallagher (uk) LLP

