
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Rsm Legal LLP 51.515704 -0.1040206 14127

Rsm Legal LLP


R.spio & Co Solicitors 51.5667206 0.109011 17981

R.spio & Co Solicitors



Russells 51.52093730000001 -0.1429044 26462




Rutherfords Legal LLP 52.6267398 -1.7079476 17926

Rutherfords Legal LLP


Ruth Finch 51.4881513 -0.139993 23880

Ruth Finch


R W Blears LLP 51.5172691 -0.1163222 20196

R W Blears LLP


Rylatt Chubb LLP 51.5162846 -0.1026704 15593

Rylatt Chubb LLP


Sabeers Stone Greene LLP 51.507242 -0.1429032 8791

Sabeers Stone Greene LLP


Sacker & Partners LLP 51.5150662 -0.0940735 23332

Sacker & Partners LLP


Sa Law LLP 51.7532467 -0.3336366 23100

Sa Law LLP


Salena Dawson & Co 52.60094119999999 1.1756118 21026

Salena Dawson & Co


Salinger Solicitors & Notary Public 51.4999401 -0.1952136 24215

Salinger Solicitors & Notary Public


Samuel & Co 51.5186967 -0.1212361 24471

Samuel & Co



Sanders Solicitors

2 reviews

Ranked #2274 out of 2554 Regulations solicitor firms in the UK

Sanders Solicitors 51.51855279999999 0.1898421 26455 Sanders Solicitors

Sanders Solicitors



Saunders & Partners LLP 51.5113936 -0.1082924 14442

Saunders & Partners LLP


Savage Crangle 53.9627405 -2.015556 26453

Savage Crangle


Savjani & Co 51.53538469999999 -0.2441627 24914

Savjani & Co



Sayer Moore LLP 51.5163741 -0.2670896 14607

Sayer Moore LLP


Sbs Solicitors Limited 51.879531 -0.4178425 15429

Sbs Solicitors Limited


Scarmans Limited 51.509046 -0.0849865 14325

Scarmans Limited


Sceales Consulting Limited 51.4363746 -0.2194887 14307

Sceales Consulting Limited


Schillings International LLP 51.5102583 -0.0881926 14679

Schillings International LLP


Schulte Roth & Zabel International LLP 51.5090479 -0.1353633 23958

Schulte Roth & Zabel International LLP


Sc Legal Limited 52.2969531 -1.5417839 17834

Sc Legal Limited


Sebastians 51.514 -0.1054172 27196



Seddon Thomson 53.5337694 -2.2223608 24108

Seddon Thomson


Sehdeva Law 52.361491 -1.9900141 22256

Sehdeva Law



Selby & Co 51.6310519 -1.7094677 25931

Selby & Co



Seldons LLP 51.0192335 -4.2044276 17159

Seldons LLP


Selva & Co 51.5412703 -0.1976168 24646

Selva & Co

