
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Planning Clarity Legal Limited 51.5169974 -0.3004752 13308

Planning Clarity Legal Limited


Poppleston Allen 52.95224049999999 -1.1424547 25235

Poppleston Allen


Postlethwaite Solicitors Ltd 51.5176506 -0.1109735 17086

Postlethwaite Solicitors Ltd


Powell Gilbert LLP 51.5139904 -0.1059365 22233

Powell Gilbert LLP


Powells With Chawner Grey 51.34617679999999 -2.9795414 26284

Powells With Chawner Grey


Preiskel & Co LLP 51.5129538 -0.1085736 23615

Preiskel & Co LLP


Price & Son Limited 51.8010604 -4.9686009 22667

Price & Son Limited


Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP 51.5079879 -0.1246884 13528

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP


Priestleysoundy Law Limited 51.5440481 -0.09789049999999999 30457

Priestleysoundy Law Limited


Primas Freeman Fisher Limited 53.37475269999999 -2.5843182 16508

Primas Freeman Fisher Limited


Priority Law Limited 53.3801716 -2.2236785 22811

Priority Law Limited


Pritchetts Law LLP 51.49171620000001 -2.6168799 28365

Pritchetts Law LLP


P R M Bond & Co 51.5191247 -0.1131611 25035

P R M Bond & Co


Proelium Law LLP 51.5171568 -0.0838536 13598

Proelium Law LLP


Progeny Law And Tax Limited 53.79736279999999 -1.5512557 14523

Progeny Law And Tax Limited


Progressive Stages Limited 51.5524832 -0.1278134 28430

Progressive Stages Limited


Prolegis Limited 53.8058206 -1.7855107 15001

Prolegis Limited


Proskauer Rose (uk) LLP 51.51628220000001 -0.08096439999999999 21841

Proskauer Rose (uk) LLP


Prospect Law Ltd 52.8261518 -1.3107744 20154

Prospect Law Ltd


Proteus Solutions Limited 51.0954019 -0.7490059 28742

Proteus Solutions Limited


Protopapas LLP 51.5221667 -0.1352487 25550

Protopapas LLP


Prusinski Solicitors 52.7825523 -1.2031123 26277

Prusinski Solicitors


Prydis Legal Limited 50.7218369 -3.5254319 19169

Prydis Legal Limited


Purdys Solicitors Limited 52.1262178 -0.031485 21546

Purdys Solicitors Limited


Pure Business Law Limited 52.1373277 -0.4646538999999999 27524

Pure Business Law Limited


Pure Law LLP 51.6051052 0.2972933 21335

Pure Law LLP



Purely Probate Ltd 51.1307515 -2.6259969 8159

Purely Probate Ltd


Quality Solicitors Harris Waters 51.56134429999999 0.0860262 23031

Quality Solicitors Harris Waters


Quills Solicitors 51.2671766 0.4751085 24447

Quills Solicitors


Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP 51.5183157 -0.1182845 21116

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP

