
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Paddle & Cocks LLP 50.2613705 -5.0536939 28300

Paddle & Cocks LLP


Paladin-knight Ltd 52.7377777 1.4753495 28624

Paladin-knight Ltd


Pannone Corporate LLP 53.4749805 -2.2518541 15941

Pannone Corporate LLP


Parachute Law Limited 51.4052763 -0.63844 28347

Parachute Law Limited


Paradigm Solicitors LLP 51.538782 -0.0776965 17827

Paradigm Solicitors LLP


Paratus Law Limited 51.4060987 -1.3257555 13908

Paratus Law Limited


Parisi Tax LLP 52.548799 -1.7695475 20323

Parisi Tax LLP


Paris Smith LLP 50.91102739999999 -1.4050309 23331

Paris Smith LLP



Parkes Wilshire Johnson 51.6508731 -0.1499057 25805

Parkes Wilshire Johnson


Parnalls Solicitors Limited 50.63609599999999 -4.3608817 24244

Parnalls Solicitors Limited


Patricks Solicitors Limited 51.5721808 0.1379695 22660

Patricks Solicitors Limited


Patron Law Ltd 51.5066545 -0.2090988 13236

Patron Law Ltd


Paul Finn Solicitors Limited 50.8285996 -4.544264399999999 22014

Paul Finn Solicitors Limited


Paul Hastings (europe) LLP 51.5198109 -0.0773423 23610

Paul Hastings (europe) LLP


Paul Hawkes Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2554 Regulations solicitor firms in the UK

Paul Hawkes Legal Limited 53.3633606 -1.4723359 13119 Paul Hawkes Legal Limited

Paul Hawkes Legal Limited


Payne And Gamage Solicitors 53.0753298 -0.8116017999999999 25592

Payne And Gamage Solicitors


Paytons Solicitors LLP 52.129153 -2.312672 30673

Paytons Solicitors LLP


P.b.s.solicitors 53.0277274 -1.4860413 26076



Pdc (hertford) Ltd 51.8017494 -0.0647613 13468

Pdc (hertford) Ltd


Pearman Smith 52.5876409 -1.9773442 25249

Pearman Smith


Pellmans LLP 51.77991919999999 -1.3746592 15684

Pellmans LLP


Pemberton Reid 53.8084503 -1.5360731 23424

Pemberton Reid



Penmans Solicitors LLP 52.4042299 -1.5182433 19004

Penmans Solicitors LLP


Pennine Law Limited 53.5013547 -1.4389506 16014

Pennine Law Limited


Percy Crow Davis & Co Limited 53.903411 -1.3406299 18472

Percy Crow Davis & Co Limited


Perry Hay & Co 51.4604644 -0.3062036 26158

Perry Hay & Co


Peter Brearley Ltd 53.8465065 -1.6324124 17901

Peter Brearley Ltd


Peter Goldsmith Solicitor 51.4679516 -0.2085557 22844

Peter Goldsmith Solicitor



Peter Peter & Wright 50.81006929999999 -4.3524836 26156

Peter Peter & Wright



Petersons 51.5900287 -2.9813143 17367


