
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Msa Law Limited 53.4815438 -2.2466944 17410

Msa Law Limited


Ms-legal Solicitors 51.5179754 -0.1121564 23008

Ms-legal Solicitors


Ms Rubric Law Limited 51.6008404 -2.6127194 18031

Ms Rubric Law Limited


Muckle LLP 54.9741927 -1.6189744 22917

Muckle LLP



Mulcahy Smith Limited 54.9605228 -1.60433 16372

Mulcahy Smith Limited


Murrell Associates LLP 50.2643333 -5.0518627 18279

Murrell Associates LLP


Muscatt Black Graf LLP 51.52065169999999 -0.1566006 21325

Muscatt Black Graf LLP


Mvlg Limited 51.5094936 -0.1487071 29930

Mvlg Limited


Myers Fletcher & Gordon 51.49530739999999 -0.2245692 25032

Myers Fletcher & Gordon


Myers Solicitors Limited 53.0473083 -2.1964717 21548

Myers Solicitors Limited


Mz Law Solicitors Ltd 52.4750613 -1.8414374 13647

Mz Law Solicitors Ltd


Nal Business Law Limited 53.4881721 -1.0121084 28758

Nal Business Law Limited


Nb Employment Law Solicitors 51.39202700000001 -0.3025862 19117

Nb Employment Law Solicitors


Nb Law

0 reviews

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Total solicitors: 0

Nb Law 53.1047196 -0.1883108 14383 Nb Law

Nb Law


N D & P Solicitors Ltd 52.4849307 -1.9037234 16998

N D & P Solicitors Ltd


Neale Turk Rochfort 51.3410372 -0.7442147 25777

Neale Turk Rochfort


Nellen 51.509266 -0.1371733 25552



Neon Legal Limited 54.96122219999999 -1.6446001 18956

Neon Legal Limited


Newhall Solicitors LLP 52.4829353 -1.9041401 15873

Newhall Solicitors LLP


New Media Law LLP 51.5132586 -0.1439715 24077

New Media Law LLP


New Quadrant Partners Limited 51.5157683 -0.111354 19518

New Quadrant Partners Limited


Ngm Tax Law LLP 51.508335 -0.134041 18154

Ngm Tax Law LLP


Nicholas And Partners 53.7542966 -1.5982844 25750

Nicholas And Partners


Nicholas Gee 52.6002334 -1.8576724 20463

Nicholas Gee


Nicholson Portnell 54.96994979999999 -2.0987539 23910

Nicholson Portnell


Nigel R Davis Limited 53.0104195 -1.7430588 23070

Nigel R Davis Limited


Nme Law Limited 51.5709556 -0.1480439 14320

Nme Law Limited


Nmw Legal/franchise Consultancy Services Limited 51.8707435 1.1246351 18101

Nmw Legal/franchise Consultancy Services Limited


Noble Harbour Solicitors 51.6679839 -4.0412234 19407

Noble Harbour Solicitors


Noorani Law 51.52164639999999 -0.1569496 24047

Noorani Law

