
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Howard & Byrne Solicitors 53.9541274 -1.0628482 24297

Howard & Byrne Solicitors



Howard Schneider Spiro Steele 51.651698 -0.1773528 25054

Howard Schneider Spiro Steele


Howat Avraam Limited 51.5143718 -0.1078375 15514

Howat Avraam Limited


Howell Hylton Limited 50.2121605 -5.2987213 19944

Howell Hylton Limited


Howell Jones And Company Limited 53.1393589 -3.7999091 16813

Howell Jones And Company Limited


Howlett Brown Limited 51.5238179 -0.1103146 30426

Howlett Brown Limited


Howman Solicitors 51.5164743 -0.141477 22228

Howman Solicitors


Hubers Law Partners 51.5141528 -0.0712102 14232

Hubers Law Partners


Hudson & Co 51.5191247 -0.1131611 25782

Hudson & Co


Hughes And Dorman 51.5130532 -0.0759839 17264

Hughes And Dorman


Hughes Enterprise Law Practice 51.4954356 -2.6190688 22467

Hughes Enterprise Law Practice


Hugh Williams Limited 51.8842223 -3.991461 22532

Hugh Williams Limited


Human Law 51.870538 0.2222999 15602

Human Law


Hunters Law LLP 51.5153905 -0.1141369 28823

Hunters Law LLP


Hunters Solicitors LLP 51.5391681 0.6941414 16462

Hunters Solicitors LLP


Huntley Legal Limited 51.4926306 -0.2197137 18620

Huntley Legal Limited


Hunton Andrews Kurth Mnp 51.5144736 -0.08034859999999999 24414

Hunton Andrews Kurth Mnp


Hunton Andrews Kurth (uk) LLP 51.5144736 -0.0803486 16224

Hunton Andrews Kurth (uk) LLP


Hunt & Wrigley 54.3409731 -1.4341519 26687

Hunt & Wrigley


Hurrell Solicitors 51.5366795 0.7620635 17856

Hurrell Solicitors


Husanes LLP 51.5129293 -0.0769426 13651

Husanes LLP


Husband Forwood Morgan 53.4079075 -2.9909777 26686

Husband Forwood Morgan


Huttons Law Limited 51.4852357 -3.1735048 14408

Huttons Law Limited


Hw Business Law LLP 51.519658 -0.1194957 15872

Hw Business Law LLP


Ian Burton Legal Limited 51.5199034 -0.0967976 28814

Ian Burton Legal Limited


Ian Milne T/a Ian Milne & Co 51.9133021 -0.2082025 15181

Ian Milne T/a Ian Milne & Co


Ian Smith & Co Solicitors 53.44252669999999 -0.8512451999999999 24493

Ian Smith & Co Solicitors


Idiculla Solicitors 50.91102739999999 -1.4050309 22815

Idiculla Solicitors


Ignition Law Services Limited 51.5175111 -0.1403821 28652

Ignition Law Services Limited


Ilaw Solicitors Limited 51.5119519 -0.1083413 22477

Ilaw Solicitors Limited

