
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Dalton Law Limited 53.1369114 -1.5558468 22755

Dalton Law Limited


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Darshan Azad Limited 51.5174618 -0.3692945 16226

Darshan Azad Limited


Dass Legal Solutions (mk) Law Ltd 52.04196 -0.7633361 17683

Dass Legal Solutions (mk) Law Ltd


Davenport & Scott Limited 54.4303219 -2.9621448 15495

Davenport & Scott Limited


David Auld & Co 55.1683332 -1.6904053 25481

David Auld & Co


David Billingham & Partners 51.9474561 -2.0606959 27069

David Billingham & Partners


David Isaacs 51.527638 -0.9075486 25498

David Isaacs


David Jones (solicitors) Limited 53.3227562 -3.8282809 21175

David Jones (solicitors) Limited


David Sedgwick Solicitors Limited 51.5070346 -3.5786352 21447

David Sedgwick Solicitors Limited


David Skinner Consulting Limited 50.6864654 -2.1085517 30815

David Skinner Consulting Limited


Davidson & Co 51.6170984 -0.2765364 23635

Davidson & Co


David Street & Company 51.1112995 -0.1910374 2778

David Street & Company



David Tagg & Co 51.4780125 -0.1926231 24617

David Tagg & Co


David Wyld & Co Solicitors 51.513366 -0.1045788 15852

David Wyld & Co Solicitors


Davies Bays & Co Trading As John Bays & Co 51.5978378 -0.1104492 25692

Davies Bays & Co Trading As John Bays & Co


Davis Polk & Wardwell London LLP 51.5172216 -0.0933493 17848

Davis Polk & Wardwell London LLP


Davitt Jones Bould Limited 51.5049558 -0.0874736 37624

Davitt Jones Bould Limited



Dawson And Burgess 53.5207933 -1.1253477 26891

Dawson And Burgess



Dawson Hart Solicitors Limited 50.972831 0.0962946 16857

Dawson Hart Solicitors Limited


Deals & Disputes Solicitors LLP 52.6327463 -1.1266675 17135

Deals & Disputes Solicitors LLP


Dean Manson LLP 51.42130479999999 -0.1602124 16917

Dean Manson LLP


Debevoise & Plimpton LLP 51.5152335 -0.0916451 24730

Debevoise & Plimpton LLP



Deborah Reynolds & Company 51.6443062 -3.4843676 25088

Deborah Reynolds & Company


Dechert (luxembourg) LLP 51.5122635 -0.1025781 15638

Dechert (luxembourg) LLP

(0) Limited 51.4131502 -1.3245302 14126 Limited


De Cruz Solicitors Limited 51.5143718 -0.1078375 16299

De Cruz Solicitors Limited


Deepdene Road Services Limited 51.4587454 -0.0946212 17364

Deepdene Road Services Limited


De Jure Chambers Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 14686

De Jure Chambers Limited


Dentons Europe (london) Limited 28541

Dentons Europe (london) Limited



Dexter Montague LLP 51.4547716 -0.9798116 21242

Dexter Montague LLP

